Amanda Rose – empowering the next generation of female leaders
Amanda Rose


Amanda Rose – empowering the next generation of female leaders

December 6, 2020

As the founder of six highly successful businesses, including Business Woman Media, Western Sydney Women and Small Business Women Australia, alumna Amanda Rose (BBusAdmin 2002, GradCertEducationStudies 2018) knows what it takes to succeed in the business world and help others reach their professional goals too.

Aside from being a fearless entrepreneur, Amanda regularly conducts workplace workshops, presents as a keynote speaker, and provides career mentoring to professionals – including business owners, CEOs, and HR Managers – who want to excel in their career or enhance their profile. Amanda has also made quite a name for herself in Australian media. She writes a weekly column (called the #BossLady) for the Daily Telegraph and The Herald Sun. Plus she makes frequent appearances on radio and television shows like ABCs ‘The Drum’, The Today Show and Sky News Business, to name a few.

While much of her success can be attributed to her hard-working ethic, ambitious mindset, and positive attitude towards life, as the holder of a Bachelor of Business Administration (with a major in Psychology and Marketing), as well as a more recent Graduate Certificate of Education Studies, there’s no denying the impact that Macquarie University had on where she finds herself today.

Reflecting on her time at Macquarie University, Amanda admits that while convenience was an initial main draw, over time, she quickly grew to appreciate the course and its unique approach to teaching business:  

“It (the Macquarie University campus) was close to home. But more importantly, they had a degree that was the first of its kind, as it was designed based on the needs of the business community.”

Designed in consultation with the industry, the Bachelor of Business Administration course is committed to creating job-ready graduates, who possess the skills and business acumen that employers are looking for. Furthermore, the course encourages students to apply leadership and management concepts in the real world, by collaborating with leading Australian organisations through our internship program.

Along with being impressed by the course content, Amanda was also drawn to the engaging lecturers and tutors. In particular, the contrast between the, “Real life business speakers telling us ‘as it is’ vs the academic focused logistics lecturer … the tutors were encouraging, helpful, and also happy for a healthy debate.” With this combined support, she not only enjoyed a comfortable transition into campus life, but also gained a clear understanding of what to expect from the business world after campus life.

Mentors are very important! The formal and informal ones. They can fast track your career with wisdom and guidance. My suggestion is to look at everyone you admire and reach out and ask them to mentor you. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Also, don’t be disheartened if the response is no. Keep asking around.”

In fact, so inspiring were her mentors, Amanda is now one herself. She primarily works with executive leadership team members, CEOs, managing directors and ambitious career women, giving them the tools and strategies they need to identify their unique strengths and harness them in order to propel their careers forward. In saying this, perhaps the most rewarding part of her role is empowering women, a topic that is of tremendous importance to her and the legacy she wishes to leave behind.

“Watching a girl or woman’s confidence take off, helping them handle conflict, remain calm in the workplace (especially in difficult times), remain focused and strategic at all times, and of course seeing their career go to the next level.”

Her company, Business Women Media, is just one of many examples of Amanda’s commitment to empowering women, especially female business owners. Described as a ‘top comprehensive website & social media outlet for the driven, ambitious woman who’s serious about success,’ the website provides various articles and resources covering topics designed to help women boost their confidence, leadership skills, and employment prospects.

For prospective and current students, as well as graduates who want to get ahead in their career, uncertain times are ahead. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed enormous strain on the global economy, making it difficult for existing employees to hold down a steady job and for emerging graduates to enter the workforce with confidence. For Amanda, though, she says it’s important to identify your unique strengths and then harness those strengths in order to stand out in a competitive environment.

When asked to give advice to students and fellow female graduates, Amanda was kind enough to share these valuable key points:

  1. You are in a competitive environment. Stop worrying about what others are doing. Focus on your own career.
  2. Map out your career plan. Think about where you want to be in 5 to 10 years and work backwards
  3. Never stop learning as this will reveal new opportunities to you
  4. Be fearless in your job seeking efforts. Even go so far as to apply for jobs you think are out of your reach.
  5. Negotiate at all times. Never ask for what you want, ask for more.
  6. Learn to call other people’s bluff
  7. Don’t know something? Ask, ask, ask!
  8. Build relationships and alliances even if it’s behind the scenes
  9. Have a solid LinkedIn account

For more information about the Bachelor of Business Administration course at Macquarie University. Enrolments for both full-time and part-time study in 2021 are now open.

For about Amanda Rose, visit her website or connect at

Words: Shannon Jackson-Barnes

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