2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards – Liz Ellis AO
2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards – Liz Ellis AO


2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards – Liz Ellis AO


Liz Ellis’ reputation as one of Australia’s greatest netball players often precedes her academic achievements and other interests. You may not know that she has a double major in Ancient History and Politics – and is a history buff.

“I still love it”, Ellis says. A happy pastime and relic from her time as a student is devouring history books and downloading podcasts. In light of the load of her law studies, she says “history kept me sane”.

Although it has been 20 years since she left university, she says she is still grateful to the passionate lecturers and tutors who shaped her brain. “What I was taught didn’t give me answers; it showed me multiple ways of coming to an answer.

“When I analyse an issue, I try to bring another perspective. Things aren’t always black and white; there’s a whole lot of grey.”

It would seem the combination of history, law and politics complemented each other, and held her in good stead for the work she now does in general and with government.

“I have an understanding of how things work, the mechanics behind the political process and the critical thinking skills to analyse a situation.”

Of course, all sports people have to prepare for life after the game, and Ellis has found that her studies have informed her media work too, where she is able to “look at an audience, see what’s being said, and pick up on what others might be missing.”

It would seem that all the threads of her life so far are now coming together. Happily ensconced in northern New South Wales, Ellis says of the award, “I am humbled. It’s a real honour for your old university to still want to claim you and continue the relationship.”

Former Australian netball captain and champion, broadcaster and media commentator, Liz Ellis was awarded the Officer of the Order of Australia for her ‘distinguished service to netball as an elite player and coach, through support and advocacy for young women, as a contributor to the broadcast and print media industries, and to the community’ in 2018.

Ellis graduated from Macquarie with a Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Laws (1997).


View other 2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards winners here

2018 Macquarie University Alumni Award trophies

2018 Macquarie University Alumni Award trophies

Alumni Awards

Macquarie University is extremely proud of every one of its 184,000 graduates – their achievements and their contributions in our local and global communities. Our alumni are a source of pride and motivation, and they embody the University’s association with excellence.

The Macquarie University Alumni Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of alumni. The awards provide a platform for sharing their inspirational stories with other alumni, staff, students and the wider community. We are now accepting nominations in the following award categories:

  • Arts and Culture
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Innovation and Enterprise
  • International Achievement
  • Medicine and Health
  • Public and Community Service
  • Rising Star (aged 30 years under)
  • Science and Technology
  • Sport

Nominations close 31 October 2018. Nomination forms and details are available at mq.edu.au/alumni/awards

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