Career success

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Macquarie Business School
  3. Study business
  4. Career success
Macquarie Business School
4 Eastern Road
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Designed to provide fresh insights and career opportunities We offer online career tools so you can get career ready It's our mission to prepare you for the future Macquarie University student portal About Macquarie Business School

Stand out above the rest

Discover our courses, connect with our high-powered industry network and create your best career outcomes.

From day one, we will work with you to develop your career plan and help you gain professional experience through internships, practical assessments, and industry guest speakers in the classroom.

Whether you are dreaming of a career in the not-for-profit sector, a big corporate role or of running your own business, we realise that you have the power and the potential to transform yourself and those around you. We offer a range of programs and opportunities to help you achieve those goals.

Gain work experience

Our degrees feature deeply embedded experiences that will enhance your employability and help you gain professional work experience through internships and work-integrated learning.

The way you designed the course is realistic and relatable to the real world. I now help manage the graduate program at my workplace, challenging the grads to solve a business challenge based on their different disciplines. my organisation outlines how we approach the UN Sustainable Development goals – similar to how we did it at uni!
As a recent graduate, this degree has set me up for success. I can't stress how important getting solid internships are while at uni. I did mine with Cochlear, Macquarie bank, KPMG – where I now work in consulting. The degree provided me with the flex I needed to adapt to nearly full-time work alongside full-time study.