Our research

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Macquarie Business School
  3. Our departments
  4. Department of Marketing
  5. Our research
Level 2, 4 Eastern Road
Macquarie University NSW 2109 Australia
Innovators in teaching and research News and highlights

Addressing contemporary marketing strategies

We work closely with industry to tackle current challenges in today’s competitive business environment. An important focus of our research is to address questions of social importance and sustainability.

We use a variety of methods to address research problems, including:

  • field and laboratory experiments
  • network analysis
  • qualitative methods
  • secondary data
  • survey design and quantitative analyses
  • text-mining.

Our researchers have strong collaborative ties with scholars across the globe and our research has been published in top marketing journals, including: Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, International Journal of Research in Marketing and Journal of Consumer Psychology, among others.

Our areas of expertise

Our research is focused around two broad themes:

In the customer experience research stream, we provide novel insights into creating strong engagement with customers. This includes topics such as online consumer engagement, responsible consumption, consumer perceptions, biases, and decision-making.

Research projects create impact on customer satisfaction, their wellbeing, and experience with organisations.

Relevant projects include:

In the market-based strategy and innovation research stream, we build on deep market and competitor understanding to derive strategies for rendering organisations innovative, market-oriented, and entrepreneurial. This includes topics such as firm and employee creativity, service staff behaviour, as well as ecosystems and strategic relationships.

Relevant projects include: