Media Highlights - March 2023

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  4. Media Highlights - March 2023

Media Highlights – March 2023

From ethical chocolate eggs to the decision to invest in cryptocurrency, see where Macquarie Business School has been making headlines this month.

MQBS Media Highlights February 2023

Professor David Orsmond, Department of Economics, was featured in The New Daily, and provided his explanation for the rising cost of living.

Professor Sean Foley, Department of Applied Finance, was featured in TheChainsaw as part of a panel of experts discussing the decision to invest inEthereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin.

Professor Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Department of Management, was interviewed on ABC Radio National about her new book Make it Meaningful: Finding Purpose in Life and Work.

Professor John Dumay, Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance, co-contributed an article to The Conversation to present the 2023 Chocolate Scorecard. Coverage of the Chocolate Scorecard also appeared in The National Tribune, The New Daily, Salon, EconoTimes, ABC Radio National and SmartCompany.

Associate Professor Mauricio Marrone, Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics, was featured in Nature and shared insights about academic career progression from early career researchers to professors. Marrone was also featured in LSE.

Associate Professor Mauricio Marrone, Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics,and Dr Rohan Best, Department of Economics, co-authored an article in The Conversation on rooftop solar power equity. This also appeared in The National Tribune and Architecture and Design.

Monica Rouvellas, Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance, was featured in The Daily Telegraph and shared her experience as a real estate investor. Rouvellas’s insights were also featured in The Courier Mail.

Professors Jeffrey Sheen and Geoff Kingston, Department of Economics, were included in Finder’s RBA survey and offered their opinion on future cash rate rises. This was also covered by Dynamic Business and Finder.

Emeritus Professor John Mathews, Department of Management, was featured in Fuelcellsworks and offered a practical guide on how – with enough money behind it – green hydrogen could completely replace today’s fossil fuel industry. This story was originally published in The Lighthouse.

Honorary Professor Dr David Rooney was featured in India Education Diary following his keynote speech at a S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research conclave in Mumbai. Rooney spoke about leveraging wisdom for innovation and growth.

Dr Abas Mirzaei, Department of Marketing, was featured in Mirage News and outlined the delicate path companies must navigate to be seen as authentic when it comes to issues of social justice. This story was originally published in The Lighthouse and it also appeared in The National Tribune.

Professor Martina Linnenluecke, Department of Applied Finance, commented on Australia’s transition to renewable energy in The Australian (print and online). Linnenluecke said our energy mix will change to have more renewables over time.

Professor Jana Bowden, Department of Marketing, was featured in Yahoo Finance Australia and discussed Bunnings’ decision to expand into the pet category. Bowden said it is a "sure bet" because spend on pets is recession-proof.

Professor Elizabeth Sheedy, Department of Applied Finance, was featured in The Australian Financial Review and provided opinion on including ESG metrics in leaders’ incentive plans.