Macquarie Business School Insider – March 2024

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Macquarie Business School Insider – March 2024

In this edition, the Executive Dean previews some of the exciting initiatives that will define Macquarie Business School in 2024 and beyond.

A message from the Executive Dean

Dear colleagues,

We have entered the new year optimistic after a period of reflection over the last few weeks. The Macquarie Business School is certainly on an upward trajectory; our rankings are starting to catch up to our exceptional education and research performance, student numbers have increased, and competitive research income in 2023 was at record levels as I mentioned in my 2023 end of year message.

Our focus now shifts to our priorities for 2024, and the work we have as a leading Australian business school in being a forum for ideas, an advocate for graduate employment and a fair go for all – at university and beyond graduation – as well as a supportive and engaged community for students, staff, alumni and partners.

Equity and diversity in our cohort
More than ever, we are confident that diversity enhances student outcomes. This year we have seen a 21 per cent increase in our international student cohort, in comparison to session one last year. We have also seen a shift on the domestic front and students are joining Macquarie Business School from all across the Sydney basin, with Blacktown replacing Ryde as the region with the most domestic enrolments. The Mandala Report, released in November, revealed that Macquarie Business School postgraduates are 1.4 times more likely than the national average to have engaged in teamwork with those very different to themselves. The report also found that Macquarie has a higher share of students than Group of Eight (Go8) universities from low socioeconomic status (1.3 per cent higher than Go8), students with disability (1.1 per cent higher), non-English speaking background (1.2 per cent higher), and First Nations background (1.2 per cent higher). Our graduates are more likely to enter the workforce with a diverse and open mindset.

These findings have given my colleagues and I confidence that we are on the right track to not only prepare our students for what they will encounter in the workforce but to ensure they feel a sense of belonging in our university community. We have already started to discuss the Mandala Report – which also demonstrates the importance of innovative data when it comes to analysing and ranking business schools in Australia– with various universities, and I have met with the Offices of Education Minister, Employment Minister, Treasury, Prime Minister’s Office, representatives from TEQSA, Jobs and Skills Australia, Business Council of Australia and the Tech Council to initiate an open dialogue about what business schools need to focus on to create job-ready graduates, ensure equity in our cohorts, and improve recruitment from university graduate talent pools. These conversations will no doubt continue this year and the final report of the Australian Universities Accord Panel will provide new points for discussion.

A focus on employability
This year, we will also continue to focus on employability. Our new Bachelor of Business and reimagined Bachelor of Commerce have in-built employability and capstone units, and various opportunities for industry connection, global exchange and internships. These flagship courses – two of the largest in the university – have received tremendous reception among students and parents.

We aim to formalise our internship offering through our Industry Partnership Program, which officially launches in May. This program will invite industry contacts to partner with us and connect with our brightest students through internships, traineeships, co-operative programs and sponsored student prizes. You can read more about this further down in this newsletter and on our website.

We hope you will join us on our various endeavours this year, and as always your support, participation and advocacy for Macquarie Business School and its graduates is genuinely appreciated. Please get in touch if you have ideas or commitments of support you want to make via our engagement team or by following us on LinkedIn

We look forward to a great year ahead.

Best regards,
Eric Knight

Read our stories

March newsletter in full

Women who mean business: Meet the Macquarie University Women Entering Business Society

Macquarie Business School leads Property Technology Cooperative Research Centre bid

Research spotlight: Read two recent research stories

New Industry Partnership Program encourages industry to support students as they defy expectations

Watch the highlights: Financing the green energy transition

Podcast spotlight: Professor Eric Knight and Paul Barnett discover the common traits of thriving teams