IPP internships

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Macquarie Business School
  3. Engage with us
  4. Industry Partnership Program
  5. Internships
MQBS Engagement team

Acquire top talent

Our paid internships help our partners complete projects and build their talent pipeline.

The MQBS curriculum is designed to develop work-ready students and graduates, ensuring greater opportunities to find the right fit for our IPP partners.

Students in all disciplines develop key skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, professionalism, and digital and data literacy.

Their discipline studies include:

  • Accounting
  • Actuarial Studies
  • Business Analytics
  • Business Information Systems
  • Cyber Security Governance
  • Economics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • International Business
  • Management
  • Marketing.


Internships can be flexible and based on the needs of your company.

Paid internships at Macquarie Business School are between one to six months in duration. Students can work part time during sessions and full time over session breaks. We encourage companies to discuss availability with their preferred candidate.

We request that students be paid industry award rates or above; we recommend the federal minimum pay rates.

As part of the IPP, the Macquarie Student Employment team will help create a streamlined recruitment process for your organisation and provide a quality shortlist for the roles you need.

Allow six weeks for the candidate shortlisting process and consider university sessions and breaks.

Je-anne’s journey at Grant Thornton is remarkable, from little tax knowledge to vital contributions. Her impact has been invaluable and her decision to continue as a part-time member while completing her studies is a testament to her commitment. She’s set to become an experienced associate thanks to the Industry Partnership Program.

International students

We encourage employers to consider offering internships to international students. They are exceptionally talented and have curricular support to develop their work-readiness.

International students have the flexibility to work up to 48 hours per fortnight during sessions, with unrestricted work eligibility during session breaks. Download the fact sheet to learn more about international student working rights.