Head of Department, Economics

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  5. Head of Department, Economics

Lisa Magnani



Elisabetta (Lisa) Magnani specialises in labour markets, wages and employment conditions in a global perspective, firms finance and labour decisions contemporary continental philosophy and the economic discourse.

The unifying focus of this research is the need to understand how labour markets perform in the face of structural change, and the factors that impact on their flexible responses, resilience and outcomes, particularly in terms of employment, wages and labour relations, in Australia and in emerging economies in our region.

With a thoughtful combination of theoretical and empirical techniques, along with attention to the interdisciplinary dimensions of these issues, Lisa’s work aims to a broad reach and influence in public policy formation to address the salient challenges of our times. Namely full employment, the quality of work and the impact of these labour outcomes for social and environmental sustainability.


  • PhD in Economics (Yale University)
  • Doctorate in Political Economy (University of Bologna)
  • Master of Arts in Economics (Yale University)
  • Laurea, (Summa cum laude) in Political Economy and Economic Statistics double major (University of Bologna)