6 June 1818:
the capture of Rahoopala Pihanaralla
By the latest letter from Mr. Sawers, dated Badulla the 2d Instant, we have the
pleasing intelligence that Major Coane has succeeded in taking prisoner a rebel
leader of very considerable influence; the senior Rahoopala Pihanaralla. On the
26th ult. this Chief invited Digalla Mohandiram to a conference in the jungle
the next day with an intent, as it is supposed, of entrapping him. The Mohandiram
whose fidelity has been well known ever since the Rebellion broke out,
communicated the proposal to Major Coane, who concealed some Malays in the part
of the jungle appointed, and on the morning of the following day Pihanaralla was
secured; he is the head of perhaps one of the most powerful families in Ouwa.
There are not less than 24 of his kindred who have at one time or other filled
most of the secondary situations in Oodakinda and Medakinda, and, two or three of
them are the most active Rebel chiefs in the province; his son holds from the
Pretender the place of Mohottala of Oodakinde, and Medakinda, and is married to
the junior Hapatagama's sister. His daughter now cohabits with the Rebel Dissave
Ceylon Government Gazette: Supplement 6 June 1818.
Manuscript Transcripts
Transcript prepared by Robin Walsh
Macquarie University Library, Sydney, Australia.
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