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![]() Sydney Gazette: 8 February 1822FAREWELL CELEBRATIONSOn Thursday, the 31st ultimo, the Commemoration Dinner, to celebrate the Anniversary of the Establishment of this Colony, took place at Hill's Tavern, in Hyde Park. It had been postponed from the 26th; and the 31st, being the Anniversary of the Birth-day of Our late beloved Governor, Major General MACQUARIE, the festival embraced two objects particularly gratifying to the public feeling. Upwards of 70 of the respectable Inhabitants of the Colony sat down, at half-past five, to a very excellent entertainment, presenting, in a very sumptuous style, all that the season could afford, or that could promote the conviviality and harmony of the day. After the cloth was removed, several loyal and appropriate toasts were circulated, in which His Majesty, the Royal Family, and the late and present Governor, were the prevailing themes of respect and veneration. A Song, from the Den of our favourite Laureat-Bard, Mr. Robinson, was given amidst loud and reiterated acclamations. We are glad to have an opportunity of introducing it to our Readers.
The amateurs of painting will be highly gratified to find that the last likeness of Our late revered Governor, which was taken by Mr. Reed, sen. at the instance of the Honorable the Judge Advocate, is pronounced to be the best performance that has yet come forth from the pencil of that Artist, and will afford to every beholder as faithful a delineation of feature and expression as could possibly be exhibited on canvas. We are informed that Mr. Reed, sen. is engaged to paint the picture of Major General Macquarie intended to be placed in the Town Hall at Windsor ; and we anticipate, with pleasure to ourselves and posterity, an additional reputation to the Artist in the able accomplishment of this very gratifying object.
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