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Thursday 1. Feby. 1821!!! The Commissioner and a large Party of Gentlemen dined with us afterwards at Government House, the former having returned to Sydney the same Evening.
Friday 2. Feby. 1821!
Saturday 3. Feby. 1821!
Monday 5. Feby !
Wednesday 7. Feby ! Commissr. Bigge made a very handsome, complementary, & gratifying Speech to me, on my Drinking his Health. L.M.
Thursday 8. Feby. 1821! At 11,OClock the Commissioner &c. left the Govt. House, and Embarked at the Government Stairs (otherwise called Mrs. Macquarie's) under a Salute of 13 Guns from the Battery; the Two Flank Companies forming a Lane within the Domain from the Government House to the North Gate, and the Male Orphan Boys extending the Line from thence through Lachlan's Garden for the Commissioner to walk through to the Govt. Barge – which conveyed him on board the Dromedary. — I accompanied on board, but returned again immediately on shore. — Capt. Skinner of the Dromedary having invited me to dine on board that ship today to meet the Commissioner, I went on board, accompanied by the Gentlemen of my Family for that purpose at ½ past 5 OClock. — After Dinner the Commissioner and Mr. Scott accompanied me on shore to see and take Leave of Mrs. Macquarie, expecting to sail at Day-break in the morning. — they staid to Drink Tea & Coffee with us and then reimbarked. [sic]
Friday 9. Feby. !!! The Commissioner made a pretty little Present to Lachlan. —
Saturday 10. Feby. 1821! We sent off Lt. Macquarie immediately to the Commissioner to ask him to dine with us at Point Piper, where we should be happy to see him between 4 and 5,OClock this afternoon. We then returned to Sydney. — At ½ past 3 we set out for Point Piper, accompanied by Col: Erskine, Mr. Secry. Goulburn, Major & Mrs. Macleod, in the Barge and arrived there at ½ past 4. – We dined soon afterwards. — The Commissr. having had a Party to dine with him on board, was not able to join us till after Dinner, but he remained with us till our departure from thence at 8,OClock – when we again took leave and parted. — It rained heavy and we did not get Home till 9,OClock. We were saluted from Capt. Piper's Battery with 17 Guns, on our arrival and departure from Castle Piper !
Sunday 11. Feby. 1821 !!! I went down between 2 & 3 OClock in the afternoon to the Dromedary to congratulate the Commissioner &c. &c. on their [***] escape, and staid about Half an Hour on board – when I returned Home — It now blows a strong Southerly wind – and precludes the possibility of their going to Sea!
Monday 12 Feby. 1821 !!! At Noon this day anchored in Sydney Cove the Ship Prince of Orange Commanded by Capt. Thos. Silk, with 135 Male Convicts from England – whence she sailed on the 8th. of October, having lost one Convict on the Passage; Dr. Rutherford R. Navy being the Surgeon Supdt.; and the Guard consisting of 26 Soldiers of the 24th. Regt. being commanded by Lieut. Clunie of the 17th. Regt. of Foot. — I have received no Dispatches by this Ship. —
Tuesday 13. Feby. In compliment to Commissr. Bigge Mrs. Macquarie & myself, accompanied by Mr. Secry. Goulburn, Major & Mrs. Macleod, Dr. Stephenson 48th. & Lt. Campbell 59th. Regt. and Lt. Macquarie called on board the Dromedary to take him to dine with us (Camp Fashion) at Vaucluse. He accordingly accompanied us – and also Capt. Cruize & Ensign Haggerstone, to dine there; Capt. Skinner joining us from the Dromedary soon after Dinner. — We remained at Vaucluse till Sunset – when we had Tea & Coffee, and repaired once more on board the Dromedary – where we remained for about Half an Hour – and then took leave of our friends – who hope and expect to have a fair wind and to be able to sail early tomorrow morning. — Mr. Secry. Scott being a little indisposed, did not accompany us on Shore to Dine with us at Vaucluse. —
Wednesday 14. Feby. 1821 !!! This forenoon anchored in the Harbour the Private Merchant Ship Midas, Mr. Joseph Underwood Commander and Owner, with a large Cargo of Merchandise from England – whence She sailed on the 15th. of August – but touched at the Cape and the Derwent. I took a ride in the Carriage with Mrs. Macquarie & Lachlan to Belle Vue from whence we saw the Dromedary at ½ past 5 this afternoon at the distance of about 30 miles, with all sail set – and with a fine fair Wind prosecuting her Voyage. — L.M.
Sunday 18. Feby. 1821! The Ship Prince Regt. (wt. Dr. Taylor R.N. on board!) sailed on the same day for Batavia!
Monday 19. Feby. 1821 !!!
Thursday 22. Feby.. !!! L.M.
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