Wednesday 1. April !!!
This afternoon about ½ past 3,O'Clock I received an Express from Mr. Secry. Campbell, from Sydney, reporting the arrival there at 12,O'Clock this day of the Guildford Male Convict Ship, Commanded by Capt. Magnus Johnson, from Ireland; having Sailed from Cork on the 14th. of Novr. last, and touching at Rio de Janeiro. —
By this conveyance two English Papers have been received announcing the dire Calamitous, and most afflicting intelligence of the Death of the Prince [sic] Charlotte of Wales at her House at Claremont at Half past 2,O'Clock in the morning of the 6th. of November last, after having been delivered of a Still-born Male Infant at 9,O'Clock the preceding Night. — By this awful and distressing event the Hopes of the British Nation is frustrated and bowed down to the Earth – by the premature removal from it of this illustrious, good, and amiable most beloved Princess – and her lamented offspring! —
The Guildford has brought out 198 Male convicts all in good Health; Mr. Archd. Hume being Surgeon Superintendent – and having a Guard of 35 men of the 48th. Regt. commanded by Lieut. Vincent of the same Corps.
Thursday 2. April !
I came down to Sydney early this morning before Breakfast, to issue the necessary [word missing: orders] and make necessary arrangements for paying the proper Tribute of Honor and respect to the memory of the greatly lamented, august, and beloved Princess Charlotte of Wales; which Orders and arrangements I have Published in an Extra Sydney Gazette of this date, agreeably to the usual Etiquette; a general mourning being ordered to Commence this afternoon at Half Past 2,O'Clock and to continue till Sunday next inclusive – during which time the Colours of the Garrison are to be continued Hoisted Half Mast-High, as well as the Colours of all the Ships in the Harbour; the Salute of 22 Minute Guns (corresponding with the number of years of age of the illustrious beloved Princess) being ordered to commence firing from Dawse's Battery at Half past 2,O'Clock this afternoon, from which period all work is to cease, all Courts & Public Offices are to be shut, and no Public Business is to be Transacted till Monday next.
The Bells of St. Phillips Church are also to be Tolled this day for an Hour, and twice for the same time during the three ensuing Days !!!
Sunday 5. April 1818 !
Conformably to the orders issued and various arrangements made on Thursday last, the Civil and Military Officers of Government, and a number of other Gentlemen assembled this day at 10,O'Clock at Govt. House at Sydney, and walked with me from thence at ½ past 10,O'clock, in silent and mournful Procession to hear Divine Service at the Church of St Philip, [sic] as a last mark of Honor and respect to the memory of the august and beloved Princess Charlotte; the 48th. Regt. being drawn out under arms and forming a Lane from the Govt. house to the Church in honor of this mournful occasion.
The Revd. Mr. Cowper Preached a most excellent and suitable Sermon on this afflicting Event and distressing National Calamity – which deeply affected his numerous Auditors.
The Officers Civil & Military were all dressed in Deep mourning, and accompanied me back to take some Refreshment at Government House, after they returned to their respective Homes. —
This Day at 1. P.M. anchored in the Harbour the Batavia Transport Ship Commanded by Capt. W. B. Lamb, with 218 Male Convicts from England whence She finally Sailed on the 1st. of November last, touching only at Madeira. — Mr. James Billing is Surgeon Supdt. of the Batavia, and Lieut. Elgee of the 34th. Regt. commands the Guard of Soldiers on board, consisting of the 34th. 46th. & 48th. Regiments. —
The Magnet Schooner, Commanded by Capt. G. B. Vine, ladened with sundry merchandize for this Colony, anchored yesterday in Port Jackson from the Mauritius.
Having come down early this morning from Parramatta, I returned thither again in the afternoon, taking Mr. Secretary Campbell along with me.
L. M.
Tuesday 7. April 1818 !!!
This morning early Mrs. Macquarie & myself and our dear Boy, in the Carriage; and Mr. Secry. Campbell and Major Antill on Horseback, proceeded from Parramatta to Liverpool, where we Breakfasted, and afterwards proceeded accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Moore, & the Revd. Mr. & Mrs. Youl – and also a number of the Principal Inhabitants of the Town to the Scite [sic] of the intended New Church of Liverpool – and having arrived there I went through the ceremony of laying the Corner Foundation Stone of the Church, naming it at the same time "Saint Luke's Church" —; the Contractor (Mr. Nathl. Lucas) and all the Workmen being present, and to whom I gave 3 Gallons of Spirits to Drink as a Donation from Government.
My dear Son Lachlan assisted me in a very active manly manner, to lay the Foundation Stone of St. Luke's Church.
After this Ceremony we returned Home to Parramatta. — Mr. Secry. Campbell having returned from Liverpool direct to Sydney. —
L. M.
Wednesday 8. April 1818 !
I came down from Parramatta very early this morning in the Carriage to Sydney. — The Convicts on board the Ship Guildford were this Day mustered by Mr. Secretary Campbell !
Friday 10. Apl. !
The Convicts from the Guildford were landed this morning – and inspected by myself in Person – as usual, previous to their final Distribution; having come down this morning from Parramatta for that purpose !
Saturday 11. Apl. !
Mr. Secry. Campbell mustered the Convicts on board the Ship Batavia this day on board that Ship. —
Drew a Draft this day on the Police Fund for (£5) Five pounds Sterling in favor of James Watson in part remuneration for his Services in Constructing Roads in the Interior.
Sunday 12. April !
Returned this day to Parramatta in the Carriage.
L. M.
Tuesday 14. April 1818 !!!
I came down early this morning from Parramatta to Sydney for the purpose of mustering and Inspecting the Male Convicts recently arrived from England in the Ship Batavia, previous to their final Distribution; the Convicts having been landed very early this morning. — I arrived in the Carriage at Sydney at ¼ past 8,O'Clock, at which same moment the Brig Greyhound Commanded by Capt. Thos. Ritchie from Bengal, with a Cargo of Merchandize, and some Convicts from India, for this Colony, was coming to anchor in Sydney Cove; having my Nephew Lieut. Hector Macquarie of the 86th. Regt. as a Passenger on board from Calcutta – from whence the Greyhound sailed on the 7th. of Octr. last, touching at Bencoolen, Batavia, and the Derwent on her way hither. —
I inspected the Convicts at 11,O'Clock, and in the afternoon entertained several Naval and Military Gentlemen at Dinner at Government House. —
Wedy. 15. April !
I returned after Breakfast to Parramatta in the Carriage, accompanied by Mrs. Wylde, and Lieut. Hector Macquarie. —
Friday 17. Apl. 1818 !
I received a Letter of this day's date from Mr. Jas. Meehan the Dy. Surveyor General, reporting his own and doctor Throsby's return from their Tour of discovery in the Interior to the Westward and Southward of the Cow Pastures as far as Jarvis's Bay. —
Saturday 18. April !
We returned this day by water from Parramatta to Sydney, in consequence of a slight relapse in our dear beloved Boy's Health. — We left Parramatta in the Govt. Barge at ½ past 9,O'Clock in the morning – and arrived at Sydney at ¼ past 12,O'Clock. —
Thursday 23d. April !
I drew a Draft of this day's date in favor of Mr. Wm. Cosar, Master Builder in the King's Dock-Yard, for the sum of Twenty Pounds (£20) Sterling, as a Donation from Government – to be paid him from the Police Fund – for his zeal & activity in so expeditiously fitting out H. M. Cutter Mermaid for the Surveying Service She is now employed on.
L. M.
Monday 27. April 1818 !
I this day engaged and hired Mr. Jacob Pister (– a free-man & native of America but who has already resided between 9 & 10 years in the Colony –) Ship-wright, to be Fore-Man of the King's Dock-Yard at Sydney (under Mr. Cosar –) but with a promise to succeed to be Master, Builder on a vacancy taking place; engaging to pay him a Salary of Fifty Pounds per Annum commencing on and from this date; to Victual Himself, his wife and child from the King's Store, and to furnish him with a Government Man on the Store; – Mr. Pister having engaged & agreed on his part not only to execute and perform all the Duties of a Foreman – but also to work with his own Hands in the Yard at all Govt. Work – and to attend punctually, zealously, and faithfully to every part of his Duty. —
L. M.
Tuesday 28. Apl. !
In consideration of the long & faithful Services of William Noah, as Clerk & Overseer of the Lumber Yard for many years past, and in consideration of his present additional Duties as such; I have this day agreed to pay him an annual Salary of Fifteen Pounds Sterling, which is to commence and have effect on and from the 1st. of the present month of April. —
L. M.
Wedy. 29. Apl. 1818 !
Mr. Oxley the Surveyor General of Lands took yesterday – and delivered in to me this morning, a complete description of Macquarie Tower & Light House on the South Head of Port Jackson, including its exact Latitude and Longitude – relative distance from the Entrance of the Harbour – Inner South Head – Outer North Head – and Height or Elevation of the Tower itself &.c. &.c. &.c.
N.B. Mr. Greenway the Actg. Government Architect, has promised to have the Ornamental Parts of Macquarie-Tower, and the Lantern completed in three months from this date at farthest – so as to shew a Light in the later by that time ! —
L. M.
Mr. Charles Throsby, Free Settler, having lately accompanied Mr. Meehan the Depy. Surveyor Genl., on a Tour of Discovery to the Westward and southward of the Cow Pastures, and as far as Jervis-Bay, and having formerly given some useful information respecting that Tract of Country, I have this Day promised Him a Grant of Five Hundred acres of Land at Illawarra – but which I intend to extend to 700 ! —
L. M.
Thursday 30. April 1818 !!!
At 8,O'Clock this Evening, the two Male Convict Ships Lady Castlereagh Commanded by Capt. George Weltden with 300 Male Convicts from England, and the Minerva Commanded by Capt. John Bell with 160 Male Convicts from Ireland, anchored in Port Jackson; the former Ship having sailed from England on the 22d. of Decr. and the latter from Cork on the 1st. of Jany. last; neither of the Ships having touched any where during the Voyage nor lost a Single Man. — Mr. Jas. Cragie is Surgeon Supdt. of the Lady Castlereagh, and Lieut. Brotheridge of the 48th. Regt. commands the Guard; Mr. — [name omitted] Hunter is Surgeon Supdt. of the Minerva, and Capt. Allman of the 48th. Regt. commands the Guard on board that Ship. —
I have received a Public Dispatch by the Lady Castlereagh, announcing the official accounts of the most distressing and affecting Death of the Princess Charlotte.
L. M.
Macquarie, Lachlan. Diary 10 April 1816 – 1 July 1818.
Original held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.
ML Ref: A773 pp.147-161. [Microfilm Reel CY301 Frames #378–391].
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