
1 November 1816
Esquire, Captain General and Governor in
Chief in and over His Majesty's Territory
of New South Wales and its Dependencies,
&c. &c. &c.
1. WHEREAS, since the Issuing of the PROCLAMATION bearing Date the 20th of
July last, which it was deemed expedient to make in Consequence of the MURDERS and DEPREDATIONS committed by certain of the Hostile NATIVE TRIBES in the Interior of these Settlements, several of those Natives have been either killed or taken Prisoners under the Authority of that Proclamation; and it being now hoped that the Punishments inflicted and Examples made have effected the desired Object of deterring them from any further Prosecution of such Acts of Violence and Depredation on the Persons and Property of the Settlers and their Families; and that the Adoption of conciliatory Measures will produce in the said Native Tribes an Inclination and Resolution to avoid, for the future, a Repitition [sic] of those Barbarities and Outrages, It is hereby publicly proclaimed, that such Part of the said Proclamation of the 20th of July last as proscribed certain guilty Natives therein named, is hereby revoked and annulled; and that from and after the Eighth Day of the present Month of November, all hostile Operations, military or other, against the said Native Tribes, will cease and determine.
2. And whereas the following Ten Natives are those so proscribed in the said Proclamation of the 20th of July last ; viz.
1 Murrah
2 Myles;
3 Wallah, alias Warren;
4 Carbone Jack, alias Kurringy;
5 Narrang Jack;
6 Bunduck;
7 Kongate;
8 Woottan;
9 Rachel;
10 Yallaman
It is hereby proclaimed and made known, that such of the said Ten Natives as have not been killed or apprehended under the Authority of the said Proclamation, and who shall surrender and give themselves up to a Magistrate, on or before the 28th Day of the next Month of December, will be forgiven and pardoned for their past Offences and taken under the Protection of the British Government in this Colony, in common with those peaceable and unoffending Natives who have so long enjoyed and are still under its Favour and Encouragement; but if the said proscribed Natives do not avail themselves of the Benefit of this Proclamation, by surrendering within the said limited Time, or shall henceforth commit any Act or Acts of Murder, Violence, or Depredation, on the Persons or Property of the Settlers, then, and in such Case, Measures more strong and effective than those hereby revoked will be resorted to; and the most summary and condign Punishment inflicted on those who hereafter disturb the public Peace.
3. And whereas in the Proclamation of the 4th. of May last, a General Friendly Meeting of the Natives was proposed to be held at the Market Place, in Parramatta, on Saturday the 28th Day of December next ensuing, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon: In Pursuance of such, Proclamation, the said proposed General Friendly Meeting of the Natives is hereby invited at the Time and Place therein mentioned; at which Meeting His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR will confer and advise with them on the Plan of Life they may be inclined to adopt for their own Comfort and Happiness; and they are assured of being treated, on that Occasion, with plentiful Refreshments of Meat and Drink.
4. The MAGISTRATES, and other Peace Officers throughout the Settlements are hereby enjoined to give every possible Publicity to this Proclamation in their several Districts, and exert themselves to make it perfectly understood by the Natives to which it refers.
Given under my hand, at Government House, Sydney,
this first Day of November, 1816.
By Command of His Excellency
J. T CAMPBELL, Secretary.
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Sydney Gazette 2 November 1816 p.1a.
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