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Monday 1. May !
Tuesday 2. May ! Sent off our heavy Baggage at 8,O'Clock. — Breakfasted at 9, and Set out on Horse-back with Mrs. M. at 10,O'Clock. Halted on the top of a High Hill about two miles from the Fish River to give Mrs. M. an opportunity of seeing Mount Evans, – and taking a Sketch of it; which having done we pursued our Journey. Halted at Sidmouth Valley at ½ past 12,O'Clock, and Encamped here for this day in order to rest our Cattle; the Water and Grass being both good and abundant here. — The distance between the Fish River and Sidmouth Valley is only 8 miles – but the Country we have this day passed over is very hilly. — Dined at 5 – and went early to Bed.— N.B. Sir Jno. Jamison was lost for some Hours this Evening returning from Fishing in the River, by missing his way in the Woods, but arrived in Camp about 8,O'Clock with a large String of Fine Fish and 2 Water Moles caught in the Fish-River near our present Ground.—
Wednesday 3. May ! At 11 a.m. between the 33d. & 34th. Mile, Quit the Carriage and mount my Horse, leaving Mrs. M. to proceed in the Carriage direct to the Campbell River. — I set out accompanied by all the Gentlemen of the Party to explore Country along the Banks of the Fish River to its junction with the Campbell River. — We first arrive at O'Connell Plains, which are very beautiful to look at but of no great extent, being only about a mile in length and Half a mile in Breadth. — We came in on O'Connell Plains after riding about 2 miles from the Main Road to the River and tracing it half a mile down. – We crossed the River at the middle of O'Connell Plains to the North side to examine the Land there, which we found as good as on the South side – it being very excellent soil on both sides of the River. — We then rode along a Ridge of Hills along the South side of the River for about two miles in extent before we entered into Macquarie Plains – which we did at 1,O'Clock. — Our first view of these Plains was most grand and interesting, presenting a beautiful rich tract of rich fertile Land without hardly a Tree to be seen for four miles in length and two miles in Breadth. — These Plains extend on both sides of the River affording beautiful situations for Farms on either Bank, to the junction of the Fish River with the Campbell River, where Macquarie Plains terminate and Bathurst Plains commence. After tracing the Fish-River to its junction with the Campbell River, we rode up along the Right Bank of the latter till we arrived where a Bridge is made across it about three miles above the Confluence of the two Rivers. Here we found Mrs. Macquarie in the Carriage had arrived long before us, as well as all the Baggage Carts had arrived before us. – Here we arrived at 2 P.M. and took up our Ground for the Night; the distance from our last Stage at Sidmouth Valley being 13 miles. Dined at 5. and went early to Bed. —
Thursday 4. May ! We saw great numbers of Water Moles in the Campbell-River at Mitchell Plains. — We came back again the same way we went from Mitchell Plains to our last Ground at the Bridge over the Campbell River; from whence we set out in the Carriage for Bathurst Plains at 11. a.m. — After riding about 9 miles through a very pretty wooded Country we arrived on a height which Commanded a very extensive, grand, and noble view of Bathurst Plains extending on both sides of the Macquarie River for 11 miles and for nearly 3 miles on each side of it, being almost entirely clear of Timber for that extent. — Mrs. M. and myself mounted our Horses when within a Mile of the Grand Depôt on the Macquarie River, Mr. Evans the Dy. Surveyor having rode out and met us some little time before. We arrived at the Depôt at ½ past 1 P.M. the Guard being turned out to receive us, and the whole of the People, who gave us three Cheers! — We found here also three adult Male Natives and four Native Boys of this new discovered Tract of Country, who shewed great surprise, mixed with no small degree of fear at seeing so many strangers, Horses and Carriages – but to which they soon appeared to be reconciled on being kindly spoken to. They were all clothed with Mantles made of the Skins of Opossums, which were very neatly sewn together, and the outside of the skins were Carved in a remarkable neat manner. They appear to be very inoffensive and Cleanly in their Persons. — In Size and appearance they are like the Natives on the East side of the Blue Mountains; not being either stouter or taller in Stature. — The Grand Depôt at Bathurst Plains is beautifully situated on a fine Commanding Eminence on the Left Bank and South Side of "Macquarie River", distant 10¼ miles from our last Stage at the Campbell River; the Road being very good and easy for a Carriage the whole of this last Stage. — The appearance of Bathurst Plains from the Depôt extending for many miles on both sides of the Macquarie River, and surrounded at a distance by fine verdant Hills, is truly grand, beautiful and interesting, forming one of the finest Landscapes I ever saw in any Country I have yet visited. The Soil is uncommonly good and fertile, fit for every purpose of Cultivation and Pasture, being extremely well watered, and thinly wooded. — At this beautiful Spot I have established my Head Quarters for the present; intending hereafter to erect a Town and Township here for the convenience and accommodation of such Settlers as may be indulged with Grants of Lands in this new discovered Country. — In the mean time I shall make Excursions from hence into the interior of the Country in different directions. On our arrival I found one of my Tents Pitched here, which had been sent on before us – and which will serve for our Sleeping Tent till the others are put up in more regular order tomorrow. — Mrs. M. I am happy to say, has bore the fatiguing Journey over the Blue Mountains to this Place wonderfully well indeed, and has arrived here in very good health. We sat down 12 to Dinner this day at 5,O'Clock in the new Government Store; Mr. Evans having joined and being now one of our Party here. — We played Cards in the Evening between Dinner and Tea, and retired at an early hour to Bed.
Friday 5. May ! We crossed the Macquarie River close under the Depôt by a very easy fine Ford of a hard Pebly [sic] bottom – there being very little water in the River at present owing to the long continued Droughts. We rode through a very rich low Tract of Land along the Right Bank of the River with fine Grass growing on it, between 3 and 4 feet high, for about 6 miles; then came to a chain or Ridge of Fertile wooded Hills, running in a northern direction from the Confluence of the Fish and the Campbell Rivers, and which Chain of Hills divide Bathurst from Macquarie Plains. — On crossing these hills we had a very extensive fine view of the latter extending along the Fish River for about Five Miles on each side of it. — This is a most beautiful rich Tract of Land and very Picturesque, the Grounds being much diversified in extensive Plains, and Hills and Dales alternately, terminating on the north in lofty wooded mountains; near to which there are fine Downs very fit for Sheep Walks. We hunted two Native Dogs, and some Emus in Macquarie Plains, but were not so fortunate as to catch any of them, tho' we saw them very distinctly, and were much gratified with the sight of them. — In returning Home we kept nearer the mountains in order to see more of the Country, and were well satisfied that the greater parts of both Bathurst and Macquarie Plains are perfectly fit for the purposes of Agriculture as well as grazing .— We returned to Head Quarters at 2 P.M. after a ride of about 16 miles, highly gratified with our day's Excursion. — On our return to Head Quarters, I found our other two Tents Pitched in regular order, and a Flagg (sic) Staff erected in front of our Sleeping Tent, which I had given orders to be done previous to our setting out this morning, intending to hoist the British Colours on it on Sunday next, when it is my intention to give a name to this particular spot. I forgot to mention in my Notes of yesterday, that, a very fine large Black Swan, and also a very large Water-Mole (or Duck-Bill) had been shot on the Macquarie River, near Head Quarters, on the afternoon of our arrival here, which appear as a good omen of the future prosperity and plenty of this new Country. The Swan weighed [text missing] Pounds and was a remarkable large one.
Saturday 6. May ! Arrived at Head Quarters at 1. P.M. after a very pleasant ride of about 12 miles, much pleased with our Excursion. Wishing to explore the South side of the Macquarie River to the Eastward of the Depôt for 4 or [text missing] miles, I set out again at 2. P.M. along with Mr. Cox and some other Gentlemen for this purpose, leaving Mrs. M. at Home, who was a little tired after her morning's Ride. — We rode along the Left Bank of the River over a Tract of very fine rich fertile Land fit for any purpose, for about Five Miles to a large beautiful Reach of the River, where we saw a large Swan and many Ducks swimming. — I fired at the Black Swan with my Pistol but missed it. — From this part of the River we returned Home by a back line over fine Hills and Valleys fit for Cultivation and Pasture. — Returned to Head Quarters at 4. OClock from my last Excursion after a pleasant ride of Ten Miles. We dined at 5 and spent the Evening as usual. —
Sunday 7. May 1815!!! After Divine Service had been performed, I accompanied Mr. Cox, and Messrs. Oxley and Meehan the Surveyors, to lay down and mark out the lines of the town of Bathurst at the spot fixed on now here for that purpose, immediately in rear of the present Head Quarters; reserving a sufficient space next the River for a small Government Domain, extending Half a mile in front and a quarter of a mile in Depth. I also had marked out immediately in rear of the Flagg-Staff [sic] the Spot intended for the Government House being erected on hereafter.
Monday 8. May 1815. We halted for near an hour at the Head of Queen Charlotte's Vale to rest and feed our Horses, and then continued our Journey Homewards through this beautiful fertile Vale. — We saw a large Flock of Emus in Princess Charlotte's Valley, and a great [word omitted] of Kangaroos, Pigeons, Quails, and a few Wild Geese, in our Excursion of this day. — We returned to Head Quarters at 4,O'Clock in the afternoon, after [a] very interesting but long ride of about Forty Miles. — In crossing a deep part of the Princess Charlotte's Valley, about 12 miles from Bathurst, we fell in by mere chance with a poor old infirm Native Woman with her left Eye out and without a single Tooth in her Head. — She had a large Bag on her Back – and was in the act of taking up two long Poles when we came in view of her. – She was excessively alarmed and frightened on seeing us – but took up and put into her Bag some Pieces of Biscuit we threw to her. – On the opposite side of the Valley we saw a Native Boy, who the old Woman crossed over to join as soon as her fears had a little subsided. She kept chattering and pointing with both her Hands to the opposite Hills from the time She first saw us till we were a considerable distance removed from her; – pointing, as we supposed, to where her Friends and Tribe were to be found.
Tuesday 9. May ! On our descent from Pine Hill we stopt [sic] to look at a Ford and small Fall on the Macquarie River three miles to the westward of Mt. Pleasant; we then continued our Journey to the latter and rode up to the top of it, which is a Table-Land – and from whence there is a very fine extensive Prospect. – We found on the very top of Mount Pleasant several Cairns or Piles of Stones – which have every appearance of having been collected there by the Hands of Man. — From the top of Mt. Pleasant we descended on the opposite side to that we ascended, and joined Mrs. M. at Half past 2. OClock. – I then went into the Carriage and we all returned Home, arriving at Bathurst at ½ past 3,O'Clock, much gratified with our day's Excursion. – We dined at 5,O'Clock and spent the Evening as usual. —
Wednesday 10. May ! At 2. P.M. The 3 Natives who came into Camp in the morning brought in Eleven others to see us, two of whom were grown up men and the rest Boys – no Female having come in with them either time. — I spoke kindly to them all, Gave them all Presents of Black Leather Caps and Tomahawks – and Slops to the Grown up men. — I also gave orders that they should have plenty to eat from the Public Stores. — They appeared very much pleased and went away highly gratified. This afternoon a large Fish was caught in the River which weighed Seventeen Pounds; and Joseph Big my Coachman killed and brought into Camp a very fine large Emu which weighed Eighty Six Pounds! We dined at 5,O'Clock and Played Cards as usual between Dinner and Tea-time. —
Thursday 11. May 1815 ! I have also left Mr. Evans the Dy. Surveyor at Bathurst for the purpose of proceeding on a further Tour of Discovery for the distance of one Hundred miles in a South West direction from Bathurst, in hopes of falling in with the Macquarie River in that Quarter. — Mr. Evans takes with him 3 Men and 2 Horses to carry his Provisions on this Tour, which he hopes to complete in Six weeks. Dr. Redfern having lost his two Caravan Horses, which had strayed away some days before, I had to furnish him with two of the Government Horses to carry Home his Caravan from Bathurst. Mrs. M. and myself went all the way from Bathurst to the Campbell River, where we arrived and took up our Ground for the Night at ½ past 2 P.M. Dined at 5. and Spent the Evening as usual. — Mr. Meehan came on thus far with us and dined with us. —
Friday 12. May !
Saturday 13. May 1815.
Sunday 14. May ! Dined as usual at 5,O'Clock and went early to Bed.
Monday 15. May 1815 ! From the Top of the Pass we once more feasted our Eyes with the Grand and Picturesque [word missing] of the Country below us and which we had just quitted. We got into the Carriage on the summit of Mount York, and pursued our Journey forwards; arriving at our former Ground at the 41 Mile Tree at 2,O'Clock, disce. from Cox's River 14 miles. — This Place having a black wild appearance I have this day named it "Black-Heath". — It affords however plenty of good water for Man and Beast, and tolerable good Feed for the latter. We had a very thick heavy Fog here all this day, which seemed to threaten Rain – but none fell. — We dined at 5 O'Clock and went early to Bed.
Tuesday 16. May ! Mrs. M. and myself rode on Horseback from the 35th. Mile to the 28th. Mile, or Second Depôt, where we arrived at ½ past 1 P.M. – disce. 13 miles from Black-Heath. The 2d. Depôt is situated in [a] very extensive pretty Valley, with a run of very fine fresh good Water, with tolerable good Feed for Cattle, and is exactly halfway between Emu Ford and the Cox River. I have this day named this place "Jamison's Valley" in honor of Sir Jno. Jamison one of our Party on the present Tour. — Dined at the usual Hour and went to Bed early.
Wednesday 17. May ! From the highest part of the King's Table Land we could see the whole of the Country to the Eastward of the Blue Mountains, and could plainly see and distinguish the several Buildings in the Town of Windsor, distant about 30 miles from us in a direct Line – and bearing from the highest part of the King's Table Land. — After exploring all the Curious parts of the King's Table Land and Prince Regent's Glen, we pursued our Journey, on Horseback, and arrived at "Spring Wood" at 3,O'Clock; the Distance from our last Ground being 16 miles. I stopt [sic] for a few minutes at the Pile of Stones which I have called "Caley's Repulse", situated near the 17th. Mile Tree, and from whence there is a very extensive view to the Eastward and Southward.
Thursday 18. May ! We set out in the Carriage from Spring Wood at half past 9,O'Clock; and having halted at the First Depôt for about Half an Hour, we reached the foot of the Blue Mountains at the 3 Mile Tree at 12,O'Clock. — Here we mounted our Horses and rode across Emu Plains to Emu Ford, which Mrs. M. and myself crossed on Horse-back – it being very safe and good – and the Water of the Nepean River here now not being above Six Inches high. — We went into our Carriage again at Capt. Woodriff's Farm on the Nepean; taking leave here of Mr. Cox, Sir Jno. Jamison, Mr. Oxley and Mr. Secry. Campbell for the present; the rest of our Party having accompanied us. – From Capt. Woodriff's Farm to Mrs. King's we went in the Carriage – and arrived at the latter Place at Half past one O'Clock, and here we found Mr. Hassall waiting for us; it being our intention to take up our Quarters for this night at Mrs. King's Farm. — N.B. I have named the first ascent from Emu Plains to the Blue Mountains, and which is near a mile long, "Emu Hill". — It is very easy to ascend and descend this Hill in a Carriage, the Road being very good the whole of the way. — Mr. Hassall provided a most excellent Dinner for us at Mrs. King's Overseer's House, and to which we sat down at 5,O'Clock, Drank Tea at 7, and went to Bed at 9,O'Clock. Besides Mr. Hassall, Major Antill, Lieut. Watts, Doctor Redfern, and Mr. Lewin dined with us. —
Friday 19. May 1815 ! Conclusion !
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