
Government & General Orders: 6 October 1810
Government House, Sydney,
Saturday, 6 October, 1810.
HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR being extremely desirous to do every thing in his power that can in the least degree contribute to the Ornament and Regularity of the Town of SYDNEY, as well as to the Convenience, Accommodation, and Safety of the INHABITANTS thereof, has already, in prosecution of these views, divided the Town into five separate Districts, and has given Directions for the erecting immediately a proper Watch-house in each District, for the Protection of the Inhabitants from Night Robberies, and for the more effectually securing the Peace and Tranquillity of the Town, and apprehending all disorderly and ill-disposed Persons committing nightly Depredations. In further prosecution of these views, HIS EXCELLENCY also intends to establish a well-regulated and strict System of Police in the Town, as soon as the Watch-houses are completely finished.
As a necessary preparatory step to the proposed Arrangements, HIS EXCELLENCY deems it expedient to give regular and permanent NAMES to all the STREETS and WAYS leading through the Town, and to order Posts and Finger-boards, with the Names of the Streets painted on them, to be erected in conspicuous parts of the different Streets where they cross each other, as well as at their respective Terminations. These Posts and Finger-boards are accordingly to be immediately put up, and the Streets are henceforth to be known and called only by the new Names now given them.
The principal Street in the Town, and leading through the middle of it from Dawes's Point to the Place near the Brickfields, where it is intended to erect the first Toll bar, being upwards of a Mile in length, and hitherto known alternately by the Names of High Street, Spring Row, and Serjeant Major's Row, is now named "George Street", in honour of our revered and gracious Sovereign.
The open space of Ground, or Area, whereon the Church of St. Phillip now stands, and which is hereafter intended to be formed into a handsome Square (the Street hitherto known by the Name of Church Street forming the West Side thereof), has been named "Charlotte Square", in honour of Her Majesty, by which Name only it is henceforth to be denominated.
It being intended to remove all those old Buildings and enclosures now on that space of Ground which is bounded by the Government Domain on the East, by the Judge Advocate's, Secretary's, Chaplain's, and Commissary's Houses on the South, by the Spring of Water and Stream on the West, and by the Houses of Mr. Lord, Mr. Thompson, and Mr. Reibey on the North, and to throw the same into an open Area, the said Area or space of Ground, has been named "Macquarie Place", and it is henceforth to be so denominated.
The present Market-Place being very badly and inconveniently situated, it is HIS EXCELLENCY'S intention to remove the Market very soon to a more commodious and centrical Situation for the Inhabitants of the Town in general. The Place thus intended to remove the Market to is that Piece of open Ground (part of which was lately used by Messrs. Blaxland as a Stock-yard, &c.) bounded by George-street on the East, York-street on the West. Market-street on the North, and the Burying Ground on the South; and is henceforth to be called "Market Square".
For the further Accommodation and Convenience of the Inhabitants in general, and particularly of those Persons bringing Corn or other Grain, Goods or other Merchandize, in Vessels or Boats (from the Hawkesbury, &c. to the Market, it is intended to erect a Wharf immediately at Cockle Bay, contiguous to the new Market Place; and from thence there will be a good Road or Street made to communicate directly with the said Market Square; and which, when compleated, is to be called "Market Wharf".
The whole of the open Ground yet unoccupied in the Vicinity of the Town of Sydney, hitherto known and alternately called by the Names of "The Common," "Exercising Ground," "Cricket Ground," and "Race Course;" bounded by the Government Domain on the North; the Town of Sydney on the West; the Brickfields on the South; and Mr. Palmer's Premises on the East; being intended in future for the Recreation and Amusement of the Inhabitants of the Town, and as a Field of Exercise for the Troops, the Governor has thought proper to name the Ground thus described "Hyde Park" by which Name it is henceforth to be called and denominated.
The Governor being-desirous to prevent any Incroachments [sic] from being made on the Park by Brick-makers, and the Acting Surveyor having been directed to mark out for this purpose a Boundary Line, dividing Hyde Park from the Brickfields, and which Line of Demarcation runs from the Rear of Mr. Wilshire's Lease across to Mr. Palmer's Premises, His Excellency commands and directs, that none of those Persons who have obtained permission to make Bricks shall in future, on any pretence whatever, presume to cut up any Ground for that purpose beyond the Line fixed upon as the Boundary for the Brickfields. — Any Person transgressing this Order will be deprived of the Indulgence of making Bricks in future, and be prosecuted besides, according to Law, for such Trespass.
In further view to the Accommodation and Convenience of the Inhabitants of the Town of Sydney, particularly of those who have Horses or other Cattle that they may wish to have Grazing for within a short distance, it is His Excellency's Intention to have a large Common marked out immediately, within as short a distance of the Town as circumstances will admit; and which will be publicly notified as soon as the Ground is measured and marked out.
The following PLAN, containing the Names and Description of the New Streets of the Town of Sydney, is now published for general Information.
By Command of His Excellency,
J. T. Campbell, Secretary.
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Sydney Gazette, 6 October 1810 p.1a-1c and p.2.
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