
Farewells: May 1810
On Tuesday at 11 in the forenoon embarked on board His Majesty's ship Dromedary, Colonel WILLIAM PATERSON, of the 102d Regiment, formerly Lieutenant-Governor of this Colony, and his LADY. On this occasion the Avenue leading from His HONOR'S late Residence to thc Government Stairs was lined by the Grenadier Company of the 73d Regiment, presenting arms, the Regimental Band playing the ever favorite air " GOD SAVE THE KING." HIS HONOR and LADY were accompanied by Lieutenant Governor O'CONNELL, and a numerous company of Officers Civil and Military, who took their leave at the end of the Wharf, where a handsome pinnance [sic] awaited their approach. On taking water, a salute of 13 guns was fired from the Battery, and reiterated cheers were given by the spectators, on and about the Wharf, which were re-echoed from each vessel as the pinnance [sic] passed. When abreast of the Public Landing Place, the like salutes were given by a numerous body of Inhabitants who were there assembled; and ten crowded boats followed the COLONEL'S pinnance [sic] in succession, cheering all the way, as a public demonstration of respect towards an Officer who had for many years been the second in Command in the Colony and whose urbanity of manners, joined to a true benevolence of disposition, had endeared him to all classes of the Inhabitants.
On Thursday a splendid dinner was given by His Honor Lieutenant Governor O'CONNELL to a select party, among whom were His Excellency the GOVERNOR and LADY, Commodore BLIGH, Mrs. Putland, and many of the Officers Civil, Military, and Naval, and their Ladies.
Commodore BLIGH goes home in the Hindostan, to which ship his flag has been transferred from the Porpoise.
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Sydney Gazette, 5 May 1810 p.2a.
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