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Journal of the Operation of the Bombay Army under
Wednesday 10th. April 1799.
Thursday 11th. April — Having frequent Halts, owing to some deep Nullahs we had to cross the Guns and Wheel Carriages over – We made this our first day's march a very short one – having halted and taken up our Ground at a place called Kampallaporam [?] – distant only five miles from Periapatam.
Friday 12th. April —
Saturday 13th. April —
Sunday 14th. April — We found the Grand Army – consisting of about Twenty four Thousand Fighting men – including the Cavalry encamped about 2000 yards from the West Face of the Fort of Seringapatam, on the South side of the River, their Left touching the South Bank of the Cauvery near the great Ford – and fronting Easterly towards the Fort. —We encamped immediately in the Rear of the Grand Army. —We were harrassed during the whole of this Day's march as usual by the enemy's Horse; But our Line and Baggage were so judiciously Flanked by the Cavalry – and the Line itself kept so very well closed up that the Enemy could make no impression upon it even if they had made a serious attack upon it – which they several times shewed an inclination to do – and which we suppose they were only deterred from doing by the strong and very regular appearance of our Line of March: – consequently, we have now reached our Journey's end with neither loss of men or Baggage. —
Monday 15th. April
Tuesday 16th. April — We had to cross our Guns – Stores – Provisions &c. &c. over a very bad Ford – very rough and stoney – and about 700 yards broad. —The Enemy, however, tho' they saw us pass this Ford in open day and knew the obstacles we had to overcome, never came near us, and allowed to take up our Position on the North side of the River without giving us the least molestation – at least none that did us any injury. —As soon as they saw the Head of our Column enter the River, they kept up a slight cannonade upon us from the Fort whilst we were crossing the Ford – which however did no execution. — General Floyd's Corps was detached this day – and marched at the same time we did – towards the New Fort of Mysore – to cover the Banjarries – and to enable them to collect Grain and Cattle in the adjacent Country for the use of the Grand Army. —
Wednesday 17th. April — Casualties of this Evening – as Pr. Return of Do.
Thursday 18th. April — The Enemy still keep up a constant fire of both Cannon and Musquetry on our Advanced Post, which we can only yet return from our Six Pounders. — We lost two very valuable artillery officers this forenoon at our Battery at the Advanced Post, within half an hour of one another, namely Capt. Torriano and Lieut. Mc.Reddie – both being killed by Cannon shots when pointing their own Six Pounders at the Enemy in the Bed of the River that annoyed our Troops at the Post so much by their Sniping; we had also three other officers wounded – and several men killed and wounded in the course of last Night and this day at the Advanced Post, as Pr. Return of Casualties. — General Floyd's Corps returned this Day to the Grand Camp after having swept the Country about Mysore-Fort – where they collected some Grain – and a great number of Cattle for the use of the Army – and which was brought in by the Banjarries. —
Friday 19th. April — The Enemy between 3 and 4 oclock this morning gave us an alert – by attacking our Picquets in the Rear of our Camp (the Bbay Army's) with both Rockets and Musquetry. —The Line got immediately under arms – and on the Picquets being reinforced the Enemy retired without doing us any injury. —They had about 1000 Horse and 5 or 600 Infantry and Rocket Boys – all of whom dispersed immediately on our firing a few rounds of Grape at them from the Six Pounders attached to our Center Rear - Picquet. —Our Line continued under arms till Day-Light and then went to their Tents. — General Floyd's Corps was detached again this morning from the Grand Army towards Coveraporam – or Head of the Ghauts leading to the Carnatic, to favor the junction of Colonels Browne's and Reid's Detachments, which are now supposed to be on their way thither with Supplies for the Grand Army. —Casualties of this Day – as Pr. Return of Do.
Saturday 20th. April — At 6 o'clock this Evening a Detachment of the Grand Army seized and took Possession of the Enemy's Works at the Powder Mills, driving the Enemy from thence with little or no opposition. —The Grand Army were consequently enabled to break Ground close to the Powder Mills this Evening – forming there their first Parallel – and from which they continued making their approaches all Night. —
Sunday 21st. April — Another Enfilading Battery was begun this Evening on our side of the River in front of our Advanced Post, and about Sixty Yards nearer the Fort than the first one that was constructed. —This Battery is only to consist of Four 18 Pounders. —The Enemy occupying a Village closer to the spot where this new 4 Gun Battery was to be erected, the 74th. Regiment, then on Duty at the Advanced Post, were ordered to dislodge them this Evening at Sunset – which duty they performed in a very proper and gallant manner notwithstanding a pretty obstinate resistance was made by the Enemy; but they were finally driven from the Village and forced by our Troops to take shelter in the Bed of the River, which they had no sooner done than the Fort opened a severe fire of Grape on the Village that rendered it impossible for our Troops to remain there longer than was necessary for the Engineers to reconnoitre the Ground near where our Battery was intended to be erected. —In executing this Duty the 14th. Regiment had one officer wounded and 18 men killed and wounded. — Whilst our Working Parties were busily employed in constructing the above mentioned 4 Gun Battery, the Enemy in great numbers came out of the Fort across the River about 12 o'clock at Night, and made a bold and spirited attack on our Covering Party and Advanced Post, Possessing themselves again of the Village they had been driven from in the Evening, and from thence keeping up so hot and close a fire as to oblige our Pioneers and Working Parties to leave off work and retire under cover of our advanced Post. —Our Troops, however, having once more attacked the Village – soon cleared it of the Enemy, and maintained Possession of it during the remainder of the Night against the repeated attacks of the Enemy – but who were at length finally repulsed a little before Day-break with considerable loss, leaving a great number of their killed and wounded laying on the Ground within a very few Yards of our Trenches – and amongst their killed were no less than Eight French Men – who were supposed to have led on the different attacks. —This was the boldest and most spirited attack the Enemy have yet made upon us since the commencement of the Siege. —In the different attacks they made in the course of last Night and this morning we lost one very valuable good officer (Captain Mears) killed, three other officers wounded, and several men killed and wounded. —Lieut. Colonel Montresor commanded the Troops on Duty in the Trenches and Advanced Post on this occasion, and his cool and steady conduct during the different attacks does him infinite honor and credit. — The 74th. Regiment after being relieved off Duty in our Trenches this Evening returned again to the Grand Army, which they joined on the South side of the River at a late hour of the Night; – Europeans being now much wanted to carry on the works on that side of the River as rapidly as possible. — Casualties of this Day – as Pr. Return of Do.
Monday 22d. April — At half past 6 o'clock this morning the Enfilading Battery of Six 18 Pounders, erected by the Grand Army near the Powder Mills on the South side of the River, opened with great and good effect on the Defences of the S.W. face of the Fort. —Our Six Gun Battery, on the North side of the River, keeps up also a warm and constant fire on the Fort; – and from which, however, the Sultaun keeps up an equal heavy fire on our Batteries on both sides of the River. — Another Battn. of Madras Sepoys joined us this Day from the Grand Army, our Duties on the North side of the River being now very extensive and consequently severe on our small number of Troops. —Casualties of this Day – as Pr. Return of Ditto. —
Tuesday 23d. April — We have now two 8 Inch Howitzers in our New Battery at the Advanced Post, which occasionally throw shells into the Fort. —A Small Redoubt about 900 Yards to the Left of our advanced Post – and immediately in Rear of our Covering Party – was constructed in the course of last Night, with two Six Pounders in it; which effectually secured the Left Flank of our Advanced Post on our (the North) side of the River from being turned by the Enemy. — At 4 o'clock this afternoon a very heavy shower of Rain fell, which lasted for half an hour, accompanied by a smart Gale of Wind; —And during this storm a lucky shot from the Enfilading Battery, on the South side of the River, struck and knocked down the Sultaun's Flagg-Staff in the Lower Cavalier- Tower-Bastion; –on which Bastion, our Batteries, on both sides, have principally directed their fire since they first opened, and have now almost totally demolished the Defences of it. — Casualties of this Day – as Pr. Return of Ditto. —
Wednesday 24th. April — We had a storm of Thunder, Lightning, and Rain this Night at 8 o'clock, with heavy showers at first of Hail Stones of a very large size; the storm however did no injury. — Casualties of this Day – as Pr. Return of Ditto.
Thursday 25th. April. — The Grand Army commenced making approaches last Night towards the Spot where our Grand Breaching Battery is to be erected – and worked forward about 200 Yards directly in front of the 8 Gun Enfilading Battery before Day-break this morning. — No Casualties this Day in the Bombay Army.
Friday 26th. April — Our Batteries on both sides of the River kept up a very close and constant Cannonade all this Day upon the Fort, which appeared to do great execution. — At half past Six o'clock this Evening a Detachment of the Grand Army stormed and Possessed themselves of the Enemy's Entrenchments and Out Works to the Right of our Post at Powder Mills – on the South side of the River. —The Enemy were very soon driven from these Works, abandoning them immediately on the near approach of our Troops after a very Slight Resistance. —The only loss our Troops sustained was in advancing to seize the Intrenchments – but this was comparatively very trifling. —As soon however as the enemy's Troops had been driven from the Intrenchments – and had retired to some Works still further to the right, the Fort opened a heavy fire of Cannon – Rockets – and Musquetry on our Troops in the Posts they had seized and just driven the Enemy from. —This firing was continued without any interruption until Nine o'clock at Night – when it entirely ceased. —The Sultaun must have been dreadfully alarmed on this occasion – as he had the whole Fort frequently completely illuminated during the Night with Blue Lights. — No Casualties this Day in the Bombay Army: – those in the Grand Army being as Pr. Return of Ditto —
Saturday 27th. April — At 5 o'clock this morning, the Enemy in very great force came out of the Fort and attacked our Troops occupying the Intrenchments they seized last Night on the South side of the River, and from which the Enemy made repeated attempts to force them this morning; but all their efforts proved fruitless – our Troops gallantly repulsing all their attacks, and maintaining their respective Posts with great steadiness under a most galling heavy fire – which continued from Five until Nine o'clock in the morning – when the Enemy drew off – after sustaining a very great loss; Ours also was considerable in both officers and men. — A New Enfilading Battery of Four 18 Pounders, constructed in the course of last Night – on the south side of the River – a little in front and to the right of the former one – Opened this morning at Day-break with very good effect on the Defence of the S.W. face of the Fort. — Casualties of this Day – in both the Grand and Bombay Armies – as Pr. Returns of Ditto —
Sunday 28th. April — Our Troops occupying the Advanced Posts and Intrenchments on the South side of the River were put under complete cover in the course of last Night from the Enemy's fire from the Fort, to which they have hitherto been very much exposed. — A Six Gun Breaching Battery was begun on the South side of the River last Night within 450 Yards of the foot of the Wall of the Fort – opposite to the S.W. Angle of it; and which is expected to be completed in time to open tomorrow morning. — We had another very severe Storm of Thunder, Lightning, and very heavy Rain at 5 o'clock this Evening – which lasted for about an hour – a great number of uncommonly large Hail Stones fell at the commencement of the Storm. — Casualties of this Day – in both armies – as Pr. Returns of Ditto. —
Monday 29th. April — During the Night there is little firing from either the Fort or our Batteries – only a Gun or two, perhaps, in an hour being fired from either side throughout the Night. — We had a quiet Night in Camp – but our Troops at the Batteries and Advanced Post were very much annoyed again this Night by the Enemy's Snipers – who keep up a constant teasing fire on them from behind the Banks of the River – by which we have lost many men killed and wounded. — Casualties of this Day – in both armies – as Pr. Returns of Ditto. —
Tuesday 30th. April — Casualties of this Day – in both armies – as Pr. Returns of Do. —
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