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There are no reports for several of the Tours and where reports exist, they are not as detailed as the Journals. The Despatches are printed in Historical Records of Australia, [H.R.A.] Ser. 1, vols. VII, VIII and X, Library Committee of the Commonwealth Parliament, 1916-1917. References to these volumes are given below. Macquarie announced his intention to tour New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land in his Despatch to Bathurst, 30th April 1810, No. 3 1810, Sect. 65. H.R.A. Ser. I vol. VII, p. 262, and again mentioned his plan to visit Van Diemen's Land in his Despatch to Liverpool, dated 18th Oct. 1811, No. 1 1811, Sect. 12-13. H.RA. Ser. 1, vol. VII, pp. 383-384. Tour 1. First Inspection to the Interior 1810. Macquarie to Liverpool, 18th Oct. 1811, No. 1, Sect. 4-5. H.R.A. Ser. I, vol. VII pp. 378-380. In Sect. 4 Macquarie refers to the Summary issued as a General Order 15th Dec. 1810 which he encloses. [Encl. No. 1, pp. 397-401]. Tour 2. Tour to Van Diemen's Land, 1811. Macquarie to Liverpool, 17th Nov. 1812, No. 6, 1812, Sect. 6, 7 and 8. Sect. 9-17 contain Macquarie's report on the administration of Van Diemen's Land not contained in the Journal. H.R.A. Ser. 1, vol. VII, pp. 581-589. In Sect. 6 Macquarie refers to the Summary issued as a Government and General Order 11th Jan. 1812 and enclosed. [Encl. No. 1, pp. 618-622]. Tour 3. Tour to the New Discovered Country, April, 1815. Macquarie announced his intention to visit Bathurst Plains as soon as the road was completed in his despatches to Bathurst, 28th April 1814 No. 3, 1814. Sect. 20, H.R.A. Ser. 1, vol. VIII, p. 150; 7th Oct. 1814, No. 11, i814. Sect. 36, H.R.A. Ser. 1, vol. VIII, p. 315; and 24th March 1815, No. 4, 1815, Sect. 12, H.R.A. Ser. 1, vol. VIII, pp. 467-468. The tour is reported in Macquarie to Bathurst, 24th June 1815, No. 7, 1815 Sect. 8. H.R.A. Ser. 1, vol. VIII, p. 557. Macquarie writes: "For further Particulars . . . I take the Liberty to refer Your Lordship to the Accompanying Printed Report of my Tour, which I had published in the Sydney Gazette for the information of the Public (whose Curiosity was all alive on the Subject), soon after my return hither." Encl. 3 Government and General Order 10th June 1815, pp. 568-576. Tour 7. Tour to Van Diemen's Land, 1821. Macquarie announced his intention to tour Van Diemen's Land in his Despatch to Bathurst 21st March 1821, No. 13, 1821. H.R.A. Ser. I, vol. X p. 492 The tour is reported in Macquarie to Bathurst, 17th July 1821, No. 15, 1821 H.R.A. Ser. 1, vol. X, p. 500. Macquarie states that he has published a Government and General Order, 16th July 1821, giving an account of his "Observations and remarks" and that he encloses a copy. [Encl. pp. 501-507]. Tours 8-10. Tours to the Northern Settlements at Port Macquarie and Newcastle 1821, to Bathurst 1821, and to Illawarra 1822. Macquarie refers to these tours in his Despatch to Bathurst, 30th Nov. 1821, No. 33, 1821, Sect. 4. H.R.A. Ser. 1, vol. X, p. 573. "I have lately made Tours of inspection to the Northern Settlements at Newcastle and Port Macquarie, and afterwards to Bathurst and Illawarra or Five Islands; all of which are fine rich fertile Districts, and promise at no distant period to prove most valuable acquisitions to the Parent Colony. The result of My Observations on these Tours of Inspection I shall do myself the honor of reporting to Your Lordship in Person, on my arrival in England." Macquarie must have completed this Despatch some weeks after the date 30th Nov. 1821. He returned to Sydney from the tour to the Northern Settlements on 21st Nov. 1821, travelled to Bathurst and back 15th Dec. to 26th Dec. 1821 and travelled to Illawarra and back 9th Jan. 1822 to 17th Jan. 1822. Copyright © 1998-2009 Macquarie University. All rights reserved. |