Thursday 17. Jany.
We got up early and Breakfasted -- then had our Baggage packed up and sent off, and set out ourselves from Lachlan-Forest at 1/2 past 8, o'clock a.m. After riding Five miles over a tolerable good Road, through an open Forest Country, we arrived at the Cataract River at 1/2 past 9 a.m. the Banks of which are immensely high and rocky -- and almost perpendicular. Here Mr. O'Brien succeeded in cutting out and forming a tolerable good Pass on either side of the River, and altho' very steep he has brought over a Cart & Team of Bullocks through the Passes thus made on each side of the River. It is frightful to look at -- but perfectly safe for Cattle and Persons on Horseback. I rode down the Pass on the Right Bank of the River, and up that on the Left Bank without once dismounting.
It appearing to me that Mr. O'Brien has great merit in constructing this Road (which was by subscription) with such few Hands and slender means, I have christened the Pass of the Cataract River after him, namely -- "O'Brien's Pass". ---He had only six men employed on this Line of Road (about 21 miles from Appin to Illawarra) with Sixty Pounds subscribed by the Principal Gentlemen who had large stocks of Cattle at Illawarra. Having crossed to the Appin side of O'Brien's Pass, we pursued our Journey. ---I called on Mrs. Broughton at "Lachlan Vale" 3 miles from the Cataract River, and remained an Hour with her & her Family. I afterwards proceeded on my Journey, calling at Mr. O'Brien's Farm, where the Baggage was ordered to Halt -- and wait our arrival. ---Here I quitted my Horse for the Tandem and set out in it for Sydney at 1/2 past 12, o'clock, leaving my Servants & Baggage to follow next day at their leisure. ---
I stopt [sic] at Liverpool to change Horses for Half an Hour, then set out again, and arrived at Government House Sydney at Ten minutes past six o'clock; finding my dear Mrs. M. and our Darling Boy in good Health, and sitting down at Dinner, with a few friends, namely Major Antill, Dr. Ramsay, and the Revd. Mr. Reddall.
I had almost forgot to mention that I left my Travelling companions Mr. Meehan, Mr. David Johnston, and Mr. O'Brien at the House of the latter, where they were engaged to dine previous to their proceeding to their respective Homes.
N.B. At least 20,000 acres of good Land still remains unlocated in Illawarra.---
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