Monday 14. Jany.
Got up at 1/2 past 5. a.m. At 1/4 past 6. Mrs. M. Lachn. Edmund Sorell & Nancy Moore, set out in the Carriage for Sydney -- whilst I, accompanied by Mr. Meehan, set out at the same time on my intended Tour of Inspection to Illawarra, through the Districts of Airds and Appin; the Revd. Mr. Reddall accompanying us to Campbell-Town. ---On our arrival there, we ordered Breakfast at Bradbury's and whilst it was getting ready, I accompanied Mr. Reddall to see his Glebe and the Site he had selected for Building his Parsonage House on. ---The Glebe is about 2 miles distant from Town, and very pleasantly situated commanding a fine extensive [view?] of the rich and beautiful District of Aids. ---We were absent about an Hour and a Half absent [sic] -- and then returned to Brad bury's where we took a good and hearty Breakfast at Ten o'clock.After Breakfast we proceeded to take a survey of the Township and the New Church -- and which is a very pretty Building. The walls are up to their full Height and fit to receive the Roof, which is preparing and will be put on in the course of the ensuing week. We fixed on the Site of the Burying Ground, within a convenient distance of the Church -- and which is to consist of 3 acres of Ground. ---The principal Inhabitants assembled to meet us, and expressed themselves highly pleased at the arrangements made on this occasion.---
The Revd. Mr. Reddall took his leave of us at 1/4 before 12 at Noon -- and returned Home, whilst I and Mr. Meehan pursued our Journey for Illawarra.---
Mr. Bradbury is now building a very good two story Brick-House on his own Farm, and on a very pretty Eminence immediately adjoining Campbell-Town, as an Inn for the accommodation of the Public, and having asked me to give his Farm a name, I have called it "Bradbury Park".---
Campbell-Town is 13 miles from Liverpool -- and 8 miles from Mr. Meehan's Farm of Macquarie-Field --; it is a very beautiful and centrical situation, surrounded by a rich, Populous Neighbourhood, and making a good stage for Persons travelling to the Southern and Western Districts.---
The Road through Aids and Appin for the first 20 miles from Campbell-Town is tolerably good -- but from Mr. Broughton's Farm all the rest of the way to the Mountain Pass of Illawarra is most execrably bad for any sort of wheel-carriage. ---This very bad Road commences at King's Falls, where we crossed the Head of George's River very near its source, and from thence nothing can be worse -- it being almost impassable for a Cart or Gig -- and I confess I wondered at my Baggage Dray and Gig getting on at all without breaking down.
After scrambling over about 8 miles of this horrid rough Road we arrived at 4. p.m. at a Stream of Water in a Deep Valley about 9 miles from Mr. Broughton's Farm, which I have named "David's Valley" in honor of Mr. David Johnston who joined us here just as we were about sitting down to Dinner at 6, o'clock; and in this Valley we Pitched our Camp for the Night.---
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