Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Thursday 28. March !!!

This being the happy anniversary of the Birth-Day of our dear beloved Son Lachlan, who this day completed his Eighth year, it was kept and celebrated with every possible demonstration of Joy that our present confined situation on board ship could admit of.
-- We had the Captain and all the Officers of the ship to dine with ourselves, and we also treated the whole of the Ships Company to a plentiful Dinner of Fresh-meat and a hearty drink of Grog! In the Evening we had Fire-works and the Dining Cabins were tastefully fitted up under the direction of Mrs. M. and the Captain with the Colours of the Ship.

It is with infinite pleasure that I am here enabled to record that on this joyful happy Festifal, [sic] my dearest Elizabeth, Lachlan, and myself were in excellent Health and Spirits -- and completely happy. ---

This also proved a most auspicious day as it produced a sight we have been for many days most anxious to enjoy, but which we almost despaired of seeing this day. We were, however, most agreeably surprised, on retiring from dinner [?] and going upon Deck to see the Fire-works preparing there, to hear the cry of "Land in Sight" -- echoed out from many voices. -- This was at a quarter past 6 o'clock in the Evening -- just as the Sun had Set. -- The Land however was clearly discernible -- being about eight miles distant from us, and bearing North West of us. -- This Land proved to be that which we were so earnestly anxious to see -- namely, the island of "Diego Ramirez" a little to the Southward of Cape Horn. -- This island was high, and appeared like several detached little Islands. -- The Wind being rather on the Shore, we stood off from the Land for some Hours during the Night. -- It was blowing a pretty smart gale when we first saw Diego Ramirez. ---

Our Lat. at Noon this day was 56. ° 30' South -- and Longd. 68. ° 48' West. ---

N.B. In our Progress towards Cape Horn, we never went farther to the Southward than 57. ° 8'. ---

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