Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Thursday 13. June 1822 !

We have been the greater part of yesterday and today becalmed and consequently have made very little progress - being this day at noon only in Latd. 35. ° 37' North. ---

A great number of Sperm Whales were this forenoon seen at about Half a Mile distance from the Ship playing themselves -- and spouting beautifully.

We saw two Strange Vessels this day to Leeward of us about Ten Miles, standing apparently the same way with ourselves; but being at so great a distance we did not attempt to speak them.

This being the anniversary of my beloved wife's Birthday her Health was drank in a Bumper after dinner for many many returns of it. --- There was a fine Turtle weighing 42 Pounds weight caught this day, which we are to feast at Dinner on Sunday next. -- It was seen swimming past us in the afternoon and we lowered a Boat to catch it. ---

Two more large Sperm Whales were seen close to the Ship this Evening playing and Spouting. -- A large Shark was also seen close astern this morning -- and was very [sic] caught by Mr. Hall.

This auspicious Day has therefore been very remarkable for Sights of all sorts. ---

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