Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Tuesday 9.

We Breakfasted at our Lodgings this morning, and I went out soon afterwards to make some calls in Town -- but returned again before 12, o'clock. -- We then set out for the London Docks; it being arranged that the Drummond Family should join us there at 1, o'clock.

We only arrived about a quarter of an Hour before them on board the Ship; so that Mrs. M. was much hurried in making the necessary preparations for their reception. -- They joined us accordingly at 1. p.m., dined with us, and remained on board with us till 5.p.m. when they took their Leave and returned to Town; having expressed themselves much pleased with every thing they saw from New South Wales -- and more especially with the neatness and spaciousness of our own accommodations on board. ---

I this day hired a Scotch Vessel called the Thane of Fife, for Seventy Pounds Sterling to convey all my Baggage, Furniture, Pets, Cow, &c. &c. to my own Seat of Jarvisfield, in the Island of Mull; -- with permission to fill her up with coals or anything else I chuse [sic] to send thither; her Burthen being Eighty Tons, and commanded by Capt. James Wilson, who has been formerly in that Country. ---

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