Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Friday 5. July !

At 1/4 before 12 at Noon we weighed anchored and stood up the River with the Tide of Flood. -- At Half 2. P.[M.] we came to anchor at Deptford.

At 3. p.m. I set out by Water for London in one of Thames wherries, and landed at the Stairs near the Tower at Half past 4. p.m. -- From thence I took a Hackney Coach, I called at Messrs. Coutts & Co's Banking House to get some money (£50 Str.) and took up my residence, immediately afterwards, at Osborn's Hotel in the Adelphi. -- A few minutes after my arrival there my old friend Mr. Archd. Campbell the Army Agent called on me and staid to dine with me, giving me all the Highland news; and informing me that my dear Brother Charles had been some little time since dangerously ill, but that he is now (thank God!) fast recovering.

In the Evening I went to call on my excellent and highly esteemed friend Chas. Forbes Esqr. M.P. of Fitzroy Square; but I had not the good luck of finding him at Home, having left Town a few days since for Oxford, but from which he is expected in the course of tomorrow.

I then proceed [sic] to call on my old worthy friend Mr. Alexr. Gray of Mary la bonne St., whom I found at Home and spent Half an hour with. -- From his House I returned to my Quarters between 10 & 11 oclock, and went immediately to Bed.

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