Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Saturday 13. July 1822.

I went to Town after Breakfast, to transact business and make a few calls. -- I hired and Jobbed (?) a Carriage (Coach) and Pair of horses, agreeing to pay 25 Guineas per month for the same, besides paying the Coachman Board Wages at the rate of 2/6 per Diem; the whole expence [sic] commencing on and from this same day.

I sent Horse Sultan this day to stand at Gullan's Livery Stables at the rate of 3/- per Diem, besides Board Wages to my own groom at the rate of 2/6 per Diem. --

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