Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


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Chronology 1809 - 1822

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Monday 1. April !

At Noon this day we were in Latd. 52. ° 39' South, and Longd. 54. ° 34' West; being now about Ninety Miles to the Eastward of the Center of the group of Falkland Islands. -- with the view of making a quicker Passage to the Line -- as having a greater distance by going more Easterly -- it was Capt. Raine's first intention to steer a course close to the South American shore, and pass through the Strait dividing it from the Falkland Islands; -- but the Winds not admitting of his prosecuting that intention, he has now altogether abandoned it. ---

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