Tuesday 25. Decr.!!!
Got up at Sunrise -- and had the Baggage sent off as soon as it could be Packed.
Followed it ourselves at 10 minutes after 6 -- and arrived at "Jamison's Valley" at 9 o'clock; disce. 12 miles. Here we halted to Breakfast, and rested our men and Cattle for some Hours. ---At l p.m. we pursued our Journey again. ---I rode the first part of this stage, but on the Day getting very hot, I got into the Tandam, [sic] in which I was driven by Joseph the remaining part of this day's Journey.
We arrived at Spring Wood 20 mins. before 5 p.m. ---The Road, the greater part of this stage, is execrably bad for a Carriage, and I was dreadfully jolted. ---It is 16 miles from Jamison's Valley --; our whole Journey this day being 28 miles. During our last stage, we passed "Caley's Repulse", and the "Bluff-Bridge"; the latter, as well as several other small parts of this last stage, being lately greatly improved by Lieut. Lawson.---
On my arrival at Spring Wood, the Corporal of the Guard stationed there informed me that Mr. Fitzgerald had only gone back to Emu Plains about Half an Hour before; having remained here since morning expecting me to arrive every moment. ---The Corporal also informed me that two Convict Ships had arrived at Sydney since our passing here on Sunday-Week. ---Our Provision Cart with the Cook &c. arrived at Spring Wood at 10 mins. past 6 p.m. At 7 p.m. the whole of our Baggage arrived without any accident. ---We dined at o'clock -- and went afterwards soon to Bed.
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