Sunday 23. Decr.
We broke up our Camp at the Fish River between 5 & 6 o'clock this morning -- and set out on our Journey, sending off our Baggage some time before us, and intending Breakfasting at Joke's Bridge, 9 miles from the Fish River. ---We had a very hot morning's Ride to Joke's Bridge, where we arrived at 9 o'clock -- and found Breakfast ready for us. Having rested our Cattle at this Place for an Hour, we pursued our Journey to the foot of Mount York in the Vale of Clwyd, where we arrived at 3 p.m. ourselves, and the whole of the Baggage in about an Hour afterwards; the distance from the last stage being 23 Miles. ---Here we found a large Drove of between 2 and 300 Head of Horned Cattle on their way to Bathurst, which on enquiry we found belonged to Mr. Brown of Sydney; his two Nephews Messrs. O'Briens being in charge of them; -- Mr. Wm. Broughton Junr. making one of their Party. ---I was much concerned to find on the arrival of our Baggage at this Ground, that one of our best Cart Horses was dangerously ill, and that another was lame. ---The former was immediately bled, and a Draught of hot Port Wine was poured down his throat at the same time which appeared to relieve him for the time; but the poor animal was already too far gone, for he died before we went to Bed in great agony of an Inflamation in his Bowels, supposed to be occasioned by his feeding on Wheat only at Bathurst and drinking too much Water on this day's Journey. ---This untoward accident gave me a good deal of concern. ---We did not dine till 7 o'clock, but we went early to Bed.
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