Friday 21. Decr. 1821.
We Breakfasted at 8 o'clock this morning -- and went out on Horseback at 1/2 past 9 to take a long ride through the Country in the vicinity of the Town. At Crooked Corner I stopt [sic] for about Half an Hour to inspect the Govt. Herds of Black Cattle and Flocks of Sheep -- all of which I found in excellent condition, and grazing in good grounds. ---We then pursued our Ride to Mount Pleasant; thence to Princess Charlotte Valley (--which is at this time looking most beautiful--), crossed the Hills to Queen Charlotte-Vale, and thence Homewards, calling at the Government Agricultural Establishment where I had the satisfaction of seeing a most luxuriant Crop of Wheat, Oats, and Flax. ---Arrived at Home at 1/2 past 1 o'clock, after a very hot ride of at least 16 miles. ---
At 3 p.m. the Inhabitants and Settlers of the Settlement of Bathurst about 15 in number, waited on me with a congratulatory address, to which I made a suitable reply in writing. ---In the Evening Bone-Fires and illuminations were made in the Town, and at all the Farms in sight of it, along the North Bank of the Macquarie River; and in the latter part of the Evening the Native[s] entertained us with another Grand Kauraberie in front of Government House.
Before Dinner I inspected all the accounts and Returns of Lieut. Lawson as Comdt. of Bathurst, and found all perfectly correct, and received all the necessary Returns from Him, and also from the storekeeper. ---Having now completed all my Business at Bathurst, I have resolved on setting out early tomorrow morning on my return to Sydney. ---I accordingly gave my Servants the necessary orders about sending off the Baggage at Day-break, and I retired to Bed at 10 o'clock ---
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