Monday 17. Decr.
Set out from Spring Wood at 1/2 past 5 in the morning -- having first sent off all our Baggage. ---Arrived at Jamison's Valley at 9 o'clock, disce. 16 miles from Spring Wood.
Found all our Baggage there, with the exception of one Cart, which did not arrive at the Ground till 11 o'clock -- when we Breakfasted; the Tea Box being in that Cart. ---At 1/2 past 12, sent off our Baggage and pursued our Journey. ---About 5 miles from Jamison's one of our Carts, having the Corn in it, broke down, and we sent back the Axle Tree to be repaired at the Forge of the Road Makers 3 miles in the Rear. ---We arrived ourselves at Black-Heath, where we had determined to Halt for the Night, disce. 12 miles, at 4 p.m.; but the Carts with the Baggage did not arrive on the Ground till 8 o'clock. ---We had then to Pitch Tents &c. with Fire-light, and did not sit down to Dinner till 10 o'clock. ---At 9 o'clock it became foggy -- and when at Dinner it came on a Drizzling disagreeable Rain, with a very cold Easterly Wind, which made us all uncomfortable. We did not go to Bed till 1/2 past 11 o'clock.
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