Wednesday 7. Novr. !
Wishing to see and explore the River Hastings as far as could conveniently be done in one day, I set out in my own Boat accompanied by Capt. Allman and Mr. Meehan between 7 and 8 o'clock this morning, after Breakfast, for this purpose; --Mr. Nicholson and Lt. Johnston having remained at the Settlement to haul up the Lady Nelson. ---
We rowed up the Hastings as far as the westernmost End of Rawdon Island, which is about 15 miles above the Settlement of Port Macquarie; we then returned, and landed on the South Bank of the River in a beautiful rich Tract of Forest Land, where we remained for an Hour and a Half to rest and refresh our Boat's Crew. ---
The whole of this River, as far as we went, is very finely wooded on both Banks, is a noble Stream of Water, and of a sufficient depth to admit of small Vessels of 30 Tons navigating it as far as the Western end of Rawdon Island. ---The medium Breadth of it is about a quarter of a mile, but it is much broader in some Places, and there are some Reaches of it at least two miles long. ---We saw some Natives at a distance -- but we were not near enough to speak to them. ---They have lately manifested a very hostile spirit towards our People here, by frequently throwing spears at the men employed up the River in procuring Rose-Wood & Cedar, on one of which occasions a very useful man was killed, by a spear passing through his Body, of which wound he immediately died. This violent attack and Treachery only took place about a fortnight ago, since which the Natives have been very shy -- and never come near the Settlement; concluding they would be severely Punished, if caught, for their Treacherous cruel conduct. ---
After a very pleasant excursion up the Hastings, we got back by 3 o'clock to the Settlement; and on our arrival, received the gratifying intelligence, that the Lady Nelson was now out of all danger, having been hauled up, in the course of this day, no less than 36 feet higher on the Beach, which will admit of her being now repaired and fitted out for Sea. ---Great credit is due to Mr. Nicholson for his persevering exertions in executing this Service.
I inspected Capt. Allman's Company this afternoon at 5 o'clock, and found the men in good order and excellent Health. I also inspected the barracks of the Single and married men, and found both in good order, clean, and commodious.---
We all dined together today again -- but dined in Capt. Allman's Cottage instead of my Tent, which I had ordered to be struck and put on board preparatory to our Sailing tomorrow morning -- which we intend -- and hope to be able to do; with which view, all our heavy Baggage was put on board the Elizabeth Henrietta this afternoon.---
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