Saturday 3. Nov. !!!
This morning early we were abreast of the "3 Brothers,"and in sight of "Smoky Cape": ---Port Macquarie laying about halfway between those two great Head-Lands. At 10 a.m. we got so close in with the Land, that with our Glasses, we could plainly see the Houses of the new Settlement of Port Macquarie; but the wind shifted round to North West at 11 a.m. and precluded the possibility of our getting in this morning, which we were very sanguine of being able to do by 12 o'clock.
We had therefore nothing for it but to endeavour to keep what we had gained -- by making Short Boards to prevent our being blown off the Land. ---At 4 p.m. we were most agreeably surprised to see the lost Cutter in shore -- and apparently coming out from Port Macquarie. ---She joined by 5 o'clock, and brought us out the Pilot of that Port, who had set out to come off to us the moment we hove in sight. ---The Cutter had not sustained any accident on Thursday night -- but finding the Sea run so very high, her Master had thought it prudent to leave us and keep close to the Shore to avoid danger. On the Cutter joining us, the Pilot came on board the Brig, but gave us no hope of getting into Port Macquarie before tomorrow forenoon, the Wind being directly against us. ---We continued working up the Bay the whole of the Night, the Weather being very fine and moderate, with a Bright Moon.---
This day being the 14th anniversary of our Wedding Day, we all drank my dear Elizabeth & our Darling, in a hearty Bumper! ---
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