Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Monday 19. Novr. 1821.
The Weather has cleared up this morning, but the Wind continues still foul, and directly against our getting to Sydney. ---Feeling my Bowels rather out of sorts this morning, I took some medicine and kept my Room the greater part of the Day. ---Between 1 and 2 o'clock today the Govt. Sloop Sally arrived from Sydney, and brought me a very pleasant Letter from my dear Mrs. M. dated the 14th Inst., by which I had the happiness to learn that herself and our darling Boy were well in Health.---

Feeling myself greatly better from the medicine I had taken in the morning, I rode out for an airing between 3 and 4 o'clock, and accompanied Major Morisset to inspect the two new Wind Mills and New Guard House he had sometime erected. ---The Grand Pier or Mole (named "Macquarie Pier"-- ), I was rejoiced to find on inspection is now about Half completed across the channel which separates Coal Island -- or Nobby -- from the Main Land on which the Town of Newcastle is situated. ---This channel is Half a mile across. ---This Pier is a noble and most important Piece of Work, but a most arduous and Herculean undertaking. ---It was commenced by Capt. Wallis three years ago, and it will most likely take two years more to complete it. ---When this is done, however, the Harbour of Newcastle will be both safe and commodious, and fit to receive ships of 500 Tons Burthen. Indeed the good effects of this Pier is already felt, as it has already rendered the Harbour secure, and deepened considerably the Channel by which Vessels must enter. The Wreck of the Nautilus has been removed from where it choaked [sic] up one side of the Channel, in consequence of the force of the River Current and Freshes being confined to the principal Channel by the erection of the Pier.

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