Tuesday 13. Novr. !
The Wind fell, and the Gale abated entirely in the course of last Night -- and this morning at Sunrise, it was a dead Calm. ---We have now Land in sight. ---At Noon our Latd. was 32 25', which shews we have only gained 18 miles of Southing during the last 24 Hours, which places us within 60 miles of Newcastle. ---It is now a dead Calm. ---At 1. p.m. we caught a fine large shark, measuring no less than 11 1/2 feet in length. ---
At 1/2 past 3 p.m. a light Breeze from the North West sprang up in our favor -- and by Sunset we were abreast of Sugar Loaf Point, which is only 45 miles from Newcastle; so that we hope to get in there in the course of tomorrow.
Lachlan's youngest Kangaroo being hurt during the late heavy Gale died this afternoon altho' every pains were taken to save his Life. He was a pretty little fellow, and I was very sorry at losing him. ---Lachlan's remaining Pets are doing very well. ---
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