Tuesday 24. Octr.
-- Being rather indisposed, I did not get up till 7 o'clock this morning, when I took a little opening Medicine, and we did not Breakfast till 8 o'clock. Mr. Throsby wishing to reconnoitre in person the great Salt Water Lake about 20 miles to the South East of our present station, recently discovered by Joseph Wild, set out this morning between 7 & 8 o'clock for that purpose, attended by Wild, Vaughan the Constable, and two Native Guides, and intending to return this Night if possible. ---At 1/2 past 12, I rode out along with Mr. Meehan to examine the adjoining Country to the Southward and Eastward of our present station, going out by the Eastern Shore of the Lake to its Southern Extremity -- and returning Home by a different Route still more Easterly. ---We travelled over some very fine Tracts of rich Pasture Land. ---The Plains immediately East of the Lake, including the great Marsh in the Center of them, with the exception of the latter, is excellent Soil -- and well suited for both Cultivation and Pasture. ---They are about 4 miles in length by 3 in Breadth, and combining these fine Plains with the adjoining grand Lake -- skirted on three sides by High Hills covered with Wood, form altogether a most beautiful Landscape.
On my way Home I shot a very fine large Wild Turkey, weighing at least Eighteen Pounds, with very rich variegated beautiful Plumage. I brought this fine Bird Home to our Camp alive -- and entertain some hopes of being able to carry him Home in the same state to my dear Lachlan.
Admiring these Plains as I do, I have given them the name of that distinguished Military Hero The Duke of Wellington, by calling them "Wellington Plains". After a very pleasant Ride of about 12 miles, we arrived in Camp at 1/2 past 3 o'clock. ---
Waited Dinner for the Commissioner till 1/2 past 6 and then despairing of seeing him tonight we dined, Drank Tea at the usual Hour -- and went to Bed a little after Ten, having previously written a Letter to my dear Mrs. M. to go by Dr. Reid.
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