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Journal of a Tour of Inspection to the Western and Southern Countries some time since discovered by Chas. Throsby Esqr. --- in Octr. & Novr. 1820. L.M. Monday 16. Octr. 1820. I sent off my Heavy Baggage on Friday last the 13th. Instant, together with my Servants under charge of Thomas Evans the Orderly Dragoon, appointed for this duty with orders to halt at Stone Quarry Creek in the Cow Pastures till my arrival there. ---The Party to accompany me on this Tour consists of Major Antill, Lt. Macquarie, Mr. Meehan, Dr. Reid R. Navy, the Revd. Mr. Cartwright -- and Mr. Throsby; the two latter, and Mr. Meehan having appointed to meet me at Liverpool -- or on the road beyond it. --- Halted at Liverpool to Breakfast and bait our Horses. ---At 9 o'clock set out from Liverpool; the Revd. Mr. Cartwright and Mr. Meehan having joined me there. ---Travelled in my Carriage by the Bringelly and Cow Pasture Roads, to the Ford of the River Nepean at the Governor's Hut -- where I was met by Mr. David Johnston the Supdt. of Govt. Stock -- and Mr. Charker the Prinl. Overseer of Govt. Stock, to guide the Carriage across the River and afterwards to the Prinl. Govt. Stock-Yard. ---I crossed the Ford on Horseback -- and found it very firm and good. ---The Carriage also passed it without any difficulty. ---After passing the Ford, I went again into the Carriage to the Govt. Stock-Yard, travelling all the way through a beautiful rich Park-like Tract of Country; the Stock Yard being 3 miles from the Ford. ---From the Govt. Cottage built some time since for the residence of the Overseer of Stock, there is a very fine Picturesque view of the Surrounding Country -- and of Mount Hunter in the foreground -- there being most excellent Pasturage for the Government cattle at this station. ---I inspected the Govt. Herds, consisting of 550 Head of young Cows & Steers, in two separate Herds. ---After inspecting the Cattle, we were entertained by Mr. Johnston with a very neat cold collation, wine & spirits -- which we all partook of very cheerfully. Having finished our repast I mounted my Horse Sultan and rode along with the other Gentlemen over the Hills by a short cut to Stone Quarry Creek; Joseph proceeding the longer way, by Mr. McArthur's Camden Farm to the same station, having by that route 14 miles to go which we go in 10 on Horseback. We passed through some very rich verdant Vallies between Mounts Taurus and Hunter before we ascended the Ridge which connects them. ---We stopped for Half an Hour at the large Govt. new Paddock within Half a Mile of Stone Quarry Creek to examine the Govt. Invalid Herd at that station -- and found them greatly improved. ---This is the station where the Wild Cattle are first brought when caught to be reclaimed. The Stockmen had the good fortune of driving in 19 Head this morning -- which I found in a separate Paddock -- and in very tolerable good condition. From the New Stock-Yard, we pursued our Journey to Stone Quarry Creek -- where we arrived at 1/2 past 4 o'clock -- and found all our Servants and Baggage all snug and safe encamped on the South Side of the Creek. Joseph arrived with the Carriage in half an Hour after us. ---The Servants stupidly enough, had not Pitched our Tents; neither had they prepared any Dinner for us, which was still worse; but, as we had all made a hearty meal at Mr. Johnston's, it was of the less consequence. ---Our Tents were immediately Pitched and the Cook soon roasted a couple of Fowls for us, and we sat down to a very good Dinner at 6 o'clock. Before I left the Govt. Stock Yard, where we first Halted and took our Lunch today, I was so much pleased with the Beauty of the Situation of that spot, that I was induced to name it "Cawdor" in honor of my dearest Elizabeth's Family; this Place having no particular name or designation before. I ordered also that two addl. Rooms should be added to the Cottage at Cawdor for my own -- and Succeeding Governors' accommodation -- whenever I may happen to visit this part of the Country.--- We sat a very short time at Dinner -- had Tea -- and went early to Bed. --- Tuesday 17th. Octr. Wishing to see some parts of the Country where the carriage could not travel through I desired Joseph to follow the Baggage with it, whilst I mounted Sultan and rode with the gentlemen of my suite and Mr. David Johnston and Charker -- who accompanied me yesterday from Cawdor to the Stock-Yard at Stone Quarry Creek. ---We rode over some very fine rich Pasture Grounds -- and crossed several gentle Hills admirably well adapted for sheep. ---I also examined a most eligible situation on the North Bank of this Creek for a Township whenever this desirable part of the Country is Settled. Mr. Johnston & Charker accompanied us for about 7 miles on the way to Bargo -- and on our getting on the regular made Road by which the Carriage and Baggage went, they took their leave of us to return to Cawdor. I entrusted Mr. Johnston with a Letter I had written last night to Mrs. M. with directions to forward it to her to Parramatta.--- We overtook the Carriage and Baggage soon after we had crossed the Bargo River, and were soon afterwards joined by Mr. Throsby as we Passed through Bargo. ---This is rather a barren Country, very few Parts of it being fit for Cultivation. ---After passing through Bargo, we entered a very long Barren Scrubby Brush of 9 miles in extent -- now named Kennedy's Brush -- in honor of the Person of that name who first passed through it with the Natives. We then entered the Tract of Country called Mittagong, and at Half past 2 o'clock arrived at Kannabygle's Plains, where we encamped and Halted for this day; --this Place being 24 miles in a South westerly direction from Stone Quarry Creek -- which is rather too long a Journey for Heavy Loaded carts, some of which did not arrive on the Ground for Two Hours and a quarter after the two light carts had come to their Ground; -- some parts of the Road being very rough and stoney. ---The Ground we have encamped on today is a very pretty spot, on the edge of a rich extensive Meadow, with a chain of fine Fresh Water Ponds in front of our Tents, and excellent Forage for our cattle. ---We dined at six, Drank Tea at 8, and retired to Bed a little after 9 o'clock. Wednesday 18. Octr. We Breakfasted in the mean time at 6 o'clock, and sent off the Baggage about 7 o'clock to the next Stage -- which we determined should be a short one. ---I remained on the Ground of last Night till 8 o'clock -- when despairing of the two Carriage Horses being found, I set out on Horseback with the Gentlemen of my Suite after the Baggage; leaving Joseph on the Ground to wait the return of Mills, Denning, and Vaughan the Constable -- besides two Black Natives -- all of whom were then out in different directions in quest of the Carriage Horses. From Kannabygles Plains for 3 or 4 miles the Country is nearly level, and tolerable good Soil -- with poor stunted Timber. ---The District called Mittagong commences on leaving Kannabygles Plains -- and after 3 or 4 miles we come to the foot of the ascent of Mittagong Range -- which tho' long is a very easy ascent -- in many parts of which there are fine springs of Fresh Water. ---When I had rode about six miles -- and had halted on a part of the Range to take a view of the adjoining Country; Denning joined me with the agreeable news of the 2 Carriage Horses being found, and brought back to our last Camp by Mills, who had followed their Track back on the Road we came yesterday till he overtook them near Bargo, a distance of 12 miles from our Camp. ---This will be a lesson to Joseph During the rest of our Journey -- to be more careful in Tethering his Horses. ---The Country we passed through today -- called Mittagong -- is generally a very poor soil -- and not very fit for small Settlers -- but a tolerable good grazing Country. ---It improves however as we came nearer the Wingeecarabie River, and immediately at that River it becomes really beautiful -- being fit for both Cultivation & grazing. We crossed the Wingeecarabie River by a good sound Pebbly Ford, where the Country opens into very rich Pasturage. ---The River here is a very pretty clear little stream about Ten yards in width. We met a numerous Herd of about 400 Head of Cattle belonging to Mr. Throsby feeding in a rich fine Meadow on the West Bank of the River, looking sleek and fat, some of the Cattle being very large in size. ---From the River to Mr. Throsby's Establishment or Farm is about 1 mile & a Half, and here we arrived a little after Twelve o'clock -- the distance to Mr. Throsby's Hut from our last Ground being only Eleven Miles. The Grounds adjoining Mr. Throsby's Hut are extremely pretty -- gentle Hills and Dales -- with an extensive rich Valley in his Front --; the whole Surrounding Grounds having a very Park-like appearance -- being very thinly wooded. ---Our Baggage arrived in Half an Hour after ourselves, and we pitched our Camp on a fine Clear Commanding Eminence a little in rear of Mr. Throsby's Hut. ---Dr. Reid very soon after we arrived here found a very fine Piece of Iron Ore on the top of a Hill close to our Camp. ---I met here with Joseph Wild, one of the first Settlers I sent with Mr. Throsby to this new Country -- and who has the immediate direction of the Party employed in constructing the Road towards Bathurst thro' this Country. ---Wild tells me they have completed the Road to the summit of the Cookbundoon Range -- about 40 miles from hence -- and which he adds the Carriage and Carts can ascend very easily, but we must divide this distance into three separate Stages.--- At 1/2 past 6 p.m. just as we had done Dinner, I received an Express from my dearest Elizabeth, enclosing a Letter from Commissr. Bigge from Bathurst, dated Wednesday the 11th. Instant, informing me of his arrival there -- and of his intention to set out from thence on this same day (--Wedy. the l8th Octr.-- ) to meet me at the Bathurst Lake -- the Place appointed for our meeting. Mrs. M. received this Letter on the same day I left Parramatta and forwarded after me by an Express Constable. ---Her Letter contained very satisfactory accounts of herself and our beloved Lachlan. Mr. Throsby not having yet given any particular name or designation to his new Estate in this fine Country, I have, with his own consent, named it "Throsby-Park" -- a designation particularly suitable and appropriate to his beautiful Park like Grounds. We sat only a very short time after Dinner -- Drank Tea, and went to Bed at 9 o'clock. Thursday 19. Octr. We returned to our Camp at a quarter before Ten -- and soon partook of a good hearty Breakfast. The heavy Baggage was sent off at 11 o'clock today, with orders to proceed today only 9 miles to Tindounbindal, -- and tomorrow to the Wallandilli River, where we intend joining them tomorrow -- and to make only one stage of it, the distance from this to the Latter Place being only 22 miles. ---We keep with us here only 2 light Carts to convey our Small Tents, Bedding -- and Dining & Breakfast Utensils. ---The Horse belonging to the Constable who came with the Express yesterday from Stone-Quarry Creek, being a good deal knocked up, I have kept both the Man & Horse here for the whole of today to get properly refreshed; intending they should start at Daybreak tomorrow.--- I write again to Mrs. M. by this conveyance to inform her of our operations.--- We all retired to rest before 9 o'clock tonight.--- Friday 20th. Octr. After passing through this long tiresome thick close Brush or Forest, we arrived at St. Patrick's River -- a very pretty clear little stream, running northerly -- and with a good Bridge over it. About a mile from this little Rivulet, we came to the Wallandilly River -- about 12 yards wide in most Parts, and a very fine Stream of Water being quite fresh. ---The Ford however is very rough and Rocky -- and I was afraid the Carriage would not be able to get across. ---It however crossed it without any accident. The Country here, immediately on crossing to the west Bank of the Wallandilly, changes it [sic] character -- and becomes again rich and beautiful -- and fit for all the purposes of man. We encamped near the Ford on a very beautiful verdant Bank, commanding a fine view of the River and Park-like Country in the vicinity of our Camp.--- I came in the Carriage thus far, but quitted it as soon as we had crossed the River, mounted my Horse, and took Mr. Meehan with me to view Mr. Hannibal McArthur's Establishment about four miles from our Camp. ---We saw his Flocks & Herds feeding and rode as far as his Stockmen's Huts; Mr. M. having at this Place 1854 Sheep & 165 Head of Horned Cattle, in a very pretty situation near the River -- and in most excellent Pasturage. This however being a most eligible part of the Country to reserve for the Government Stock -- as well as for a future Town and Township, I must warn Mr. McArthur to remove his Stock to some other part of the Country. Mr. McArthur's overseer (Geo. Claris) presented me with Two Wild Turkey Eggs, a Stuffed Squirell, and a Piece of Rock Chrystal,[sic] all being the Produce of the District of Wallandilly. He has also promised me, on my return, a stuffed wild Turkey -- all which I intend for my dear Lachlan. ---Dr. Reid had 2 Water Moles, and a Duck of a most curious species, shot for him in the River. ---I returned Home after a very pleasant Ride at 3 o'clock -- having first arrived at our present Ground from Throsby Park at 1/4 past 12 at Noon -- our Baggage having all arrived by 1/2 past 1 o'clock. ---We dined at 5 -- drank Tea at 7 -- and went to Bed at 9 o'clock.--- Saturday 21. Octr. 1820. Sunday 22. Octr. 1820. The Cookbundoon Range may be considered as the barrier between the Eastern & Western Country -- and also the Key to the latter as well as to the Southern Country. ---The distance across this Range from the foot of the East to the foot of the West side is about a mile. At a qr. past 9 a.m. we pursued our Journey through open Forest Land for two miles. ---Arrive then at a very bad Swamp or Bog, which took us some time to pass, and on crossing it we entered a Brush, or Close Forest at 1/2 past 10 o'clock. ---This Brush continued for about 7 miles, and is full of Bogs or Swamps -- which occasioned us a great deal of trouble and labour to cross and get the Carts through. My own Carriage Horses got once into one of these Bogs or Sloughs -- and were only got out of it by being unharnessed. ---At 45 mins. past 1, reached the left Bank of the principal Branch of the Wallandilly River -- where the Country opens into fine Forest Land. ---At 2 p.m. we crossed this River to the Right Bank by a very good Ford. ---From thence we Travelled through a closer Forest Country, along the Bank of the River till it takes a sudden Bend to the Westward, and where a small Rivulet from the South East joins it; forming at this point of junction a most extensive beautiful Reach or Bason.[sic] ---The Country here opens again, into very extensive Plains or Downs to the Westward, forming with the River a very rich Landscape, Plains, and occasional pretty little Hills interspersed in them, extending for 7 or 8 miles to the Westward. The Native name of these Plains is Mulwarry -- but which I have named "Breadalbane Plains." ---From the junction of the two Rivers we continue our Journey in a South Easterly Direction -- till we reach the North West Boundary of "Goulburn Plains", -- so named by Mr. Meehan the first discoverer, but which in fact is a continuation of the Great Mulwary-Plains. Here we halted at 1/4 before 4 p.m. and Pitched our Camp in a noble extensive rich Meadow near a fine large Pond of Fresh Water; the Cattle being up to their Bellies in as fine long sweet Grass as I ever saw any where. ---The distance from where we last crossed the Wallandilly River is about 4 miles to our present Camp; making this day's Journey at least 16 miles, and by far the most disagreeable stage we have yet come; but the grandeur, beauty, and richness, independent of the usefulness of the Country we are now in, sufficiently compensates for all the labour and Toils of this days Journey.--- We had not been above an Hour on our new Ground, before 3 of my Horses, Major Antill's, Lt. Macquarie's, Mr. Cartwright's, and 4 or 5 other Horses, quitted their Pasture and went off at full speed on the Road we had come by, without being disturbed -- or any apparent cause. ---Joseph and Denning mounted other Horses and set out immediately after them; but after 3 Hours pursuit they were only able to overtake a few of them with which they returned -- the Night being too dark then to pursue the fugitives any farther; -- the five first mentioned Horses and several others being still missing.--- We did not sit down to Dinner till 2 past 6 o'clock -- and very soon afterwards it came on, very unfortunately, heavy Rain. ---We retired to rest soon after 9 o'clock, it still continuing to rain heavy. Monday 23. Octr.! Dispatched Mills the 2d coachman, Vaughan the Constable, and one of the Natives, in search of the Runaway Horses, in the hope that they will come up with them between this and Wild's Pass. ---These 3 men set out about 6 o'clock this morning. The Tents being very wet -- and wishing to give time for the Horses to be brought back, I have determined to remain on our present Ground till 11 o'clock. We therefore delayed Breakfasting till 8 o'clock. ---This will give the Tents time to dry -- there being now a good deal of Sun out. ---Yesterday in crossing Wild's Pass, we fell in with Nagaray, a fine old Patriarchal Native of about 70 years of age with his whole Family of Wives,Sons, & Daughters -- in all 8 persons -- and all of whom Mr. Throsby had engaged to accompany us to the great Salt Water Lake recently discovered by Joseph Wild. ---This old man belongs to the Burra-Burra Tribe, of which his son Cookoogong is the Chief. ---His next eldest son Bhoohan is a very fine intelligent Lad.--- At 11 a.m. there being then no tidings of the Stray Horses, and the Tents being tolerably well Dried, we decamped and pursued our Journey across Goulburn Plains -- a most beautiful rich Tract of Country, extending from "Breadalbane Plains" on the North to fine open Forest on the South, Twelve Miles in length -- by Seven in Breadth generally -- and containing not less than Fifty Thousand acres of useful good Land, fit for both purposes of Cultivation and grazing -- with a plentiful supply of Fresh Water Ponds, and hardly a Tree to be seen in this whole extent of Plain -- but with plenty of good Timber on the Hills and Ridges which gird these Plains like a Belt. We saw several Flocks of fine large Emus -- and some fine large Turkies -- and hunted some of the former, but the Dogs being rather shy did not kill any. ---The first Flock of 4 Emus which we saw were distant from us about 400 yards. ---The moment they perceived us they halted to look at us. We also pulled up our Horses to look at them. ---After they had reconnoitred us for a few minutes, they advanced towards us in a very bold majestic manner, at first walking smartly -- but slackening their pace as they came nearer to us -- until they had actually advanced within 15 yards of us. ---They then halted and looked at us -- and we might have shot them all with the greatest ease had we had either Guns or Pistols -- but we had neither -- nor had we then even the Dogs with us. On slight movement of one of our horses; and after they looked at us halting for a few seconds, they took the alarm and galloped off in a fine style. ---This was one of the prettiest sights I ever saw. We only saw one Kangaroo in this whole days march -- but that was a large Forester -- and was killed by Mr. Throsby's Dogs in the Brush adjoining Bathurst Lake. ---At 6 p.m. we arrived at the North West end of the Lake, and at 7 we reached the Eastern Extremity of it -- just at Dark -- and after a long fatiguing march of 24 miles -- both our men and cattle being very much fatigued -- especially the latter. The first view we had of the Lake was really magnificently fine, from the Heights to the Northwest of it -- appearing quite a little Sea, covered with innumerable Flocks of Wild Ducks -- and a great many Black Swans -- which last looked most beautiful floating on the surface of this grand Piece of Water which is perfectly fresh and good. ---The Lake appears to be about Six miles in length by 4 miles in Breadth -- and has considerably increased in Size since Mr. Meehan first discovered it in April 1818. ---There are very fine extensive Plains on the East side of the Lake and also on the South East of it & likewise a very long marshy meadow on the East of it. ---The Men who went in pursuit of the Horses returned this Evening between 7 & 8 with 3 of them, vizt. Donald, Driver, & Lt. Macquarie's; but Major Antill's & 1 Carriage Horse (Lofty) are still missing. Monday 23. Octr. 1820 -- Continued! ------- Tuesday 24. Octr. On my way Home I shot a very fine large Wild Turkey, weighing at least Eighteen Pounds, with very rich variegated beautiful Plumage. I brought this fine Bird Home to our Camp alive -- and entertain some hopes of being able to carry him Home in the same state to my dear Lachlan. Admiring these Plains as I do, I have given them the name of that distinguished Military Hero The Duke of Wellington, by calling them "Wellington Plains". After a very pleasant Ride of about 12 miles, we arrived in Camp at 1/2 past 3 o'clock. --- Waited Dinner for the Commissioner till 1/2 past 6 and then despairing of seeing him tonight we dined, Drank Tea at the usual Hour -- and went to Bed a little after Ten, having previously written a Letter to my dear Mrs. M. to go by Dr. Reid. Wednesday 25. Octr. Our worthy good Travelling Companion Dr. Reid took his leave of us, and set out on his return to Sydney at Half past 5 this morning -- having first taken an early Breakfast. The Revd. Mr. Cartwright and Mr. Meehan gave him a convoy for some miles on the Road. ---We all much regret Dr. Reid's departure, as we found him a most agreeable, good humuored,[sic] and entertaining friend and associate. ---He was, however, obliged to leave us here -- being afraid of not overtaking his ship (the Morley) at Sydney in case he staid with us any longer.--- We Breakfasted at 1/2 past 8, and at 10. Joseph Wild returned with a Note from Mr. Throsby -- from the great Lake -- to which he reports loaded Carts may go from hence easily enough by removing some Dead fallen Timber -- which he has directed to be done -- and also to mark the Route we are to Travel by with the Carts. ---Mr. Throsby states the distance from our present station to the Wee-ree-wa Lake to be only 16 miles, and confirms Wild's account of the Beauty and fertility of the Lands in the vicinity of it. ---Mr. Throsby remains at the Lake till we come up with him there. ---We shall therefore follow him tomorrow in case the Commissioner arrives today, which I sincerely hope he will do, as time, and the State of our Stock of Provisions, will not admit of our remaining here Stationary any longer. ---At 1/2 past 2. I rode out accompanied by Major Antill and Mr. Meehan to explore the Country to the North West of our present Station, returning Home by the South East, thus encircling the whole of Wellington Plains, distance about 7 miles and all good Land. ---Before I came Home I fixed on the Site of the future Township for this fine District immediately to the Eastward of the Low Range of Hills skirting the Eastern Shore of "Bathurst Lake". We returned home to Camp at 1/2 past 4 o'clock -- and was a good deal disappointed at not finding the Commissioner arrived. ---I do not now expect to see him this Day.--- Taking it into serious consideration that we started from Home Ten days ago with only 21 Days provisions for the numbers we then calculated to be victualled during that time, and that some few more People have since been added to our Victualling List -- that Half the time is already elapsed -- that it will take us at least 5 days more to go to see the new discovered Lake and River and to return to this station -- and six days more to return from this to Cumberland, I have come to the resolution, as the most advisable measure, under our present circumstances, not to wait for the Commissioner any longer -- but to proceed early tomorrow morning without him to see the New Lake and River -- whither he will of course follow us in case he should arrive here tomorrow or on the following day -- of which resolution I shall advise him by Letter before I quit my present Camp; where I have resolved on leaving all my heavy Baggage, my Carriage & Carriage Horses, my large Tent standing -- and also my Bedstead and heavy Camp Furniture, for the Commissioner to make use of if he thinks proper. I have accordingly given the necessary directions to Major Antill and the Servants to prepare for prosecuting our Journey very early tomorrow morning. We dined at 6 -- and went early to Bed.--- Thursday 26. Octr.! At 8. a.m. I sent off a mounted Servant to Mr. Throsby at the great Lake, with a supply of Prog & Grog, and to apprize him that we remain here for this day -- but that we shall join him tomorrow; as he intends remaining at the Lake till our arrival.--- At 11. a.m. I rode out accompanied by Major Antill, to meet Commissr. Bigge and his Suite & at 12 we met 4 miles from our present Camp. ---He was attended by Mr. Secry. Scott, Mr. Oxley, Mr. Cordeaux, and Dr. Hill -- and also by Chas. Fraser, the Colonial Botanist, besides a numerous Retinue of Servants -- all mounted, having 7 Pack Horses to carry their Baggage. ---They [left] Bathurst on Wednesday the 18th. Instant and have been 9 days on the way -- the distance (measured) from Bathurst Town to Bathurst Lake being 138 miles. ---The Commissr. and Suite have all arrived in good Health -- but a little tired with their Journey. ---We all rode into Camp together and arrived there at 1. p.m.; George having Wine, Biscuit, and Oranges prepared for the Travellers, of which they partook. We afterwards walked about the Camp -- or read -- or talked till 5 o'clock -- when we dined --Drank Tea at 7 -- and went to Bed at 9 o'clock; intending to set out for the Great Lake early in the morning, -- accompanied by the Commissioner & his Suite. Friday 27. Octr.! [insert in text] and at 1. p.m. we reached the North East Shore of it; but where we could only see about one Half of it. At this Point however we were all most highly gratified and delighted with this noble expanse of Water, and the Surrounding Scenery. ---The Baggage proceeding on by a more direct course, we rode along the Summits of the Ridges which gird the Lake in order to obtain a fuller and more complete view of it -- and from every succeeding Hill our admiration of the magnificence and size of this noble Sheet of Water encreased [sic]. ---We proceeded on from where we first made it for 4 miles farther along the Eastern Shore of it, and then encamped at 3. p.m. on a very pretty Plain, near a fresh Water Creek, distant about nine miles from the North west Extremity of the Lake, and 20 miles from our last Ground. This Situation was recommended by Mr. Throsby by a note he had left with one of his men for me; having gone on himself early this morning to the Southern extremity of the Lake to try to get hold of some of the Natives of this part of the Country to serve as Guides to conduct us to the New River Murumbidgee. We were all a little tired after our Journey to this beautiful Lake, the day being very warm & Sultry. At 6. p.m. Dined -- Drank Tea at 1/2 past 7 -- and went to Bed at Nine. Saturday 28. Octr. --- We arrived in Camp at 1/4 before 5 -- and found Mr. Throsby had arrived there about Half a mile before us. ---He now states to us from the information of his Native Guide Taree that the new River Murumbidgee, which we came in quest of and were all so particularly anxious to see and explore, does not flow from the Great Lake at all -- but that it has its source at the back of the Hills which skirt the Western Shore of the Lake, and flows from thence in a South Easterly Direction towards the Coast -- and that it would take us three days to reach it. ---We have consequently abandoned all thoughts of going to explore the new River at this time, leaving it to be traced to the Sea by future Discoverers. We sat down to Dinner today at 1/2 past 5, and after Dinner we drank a Bumper Toast to the Success of the Future Settlers of the Shores of "Lake George" -- which name I have given to this grand and magnificent Sheet of Water in Honor of His present Majesty. --- We drank Tea early -- and went to Bed at 1/2 past 9. --- Sunday 29 Octr. 1820. The Sun very soon got very hot -- and we had rather a warm ride back to Bathurst Lake -- where we arrived ourselves at 1/2 past 12 at Noon -- the Baggage not arriving till 2 o'clock. ---We hunted and killed a Native Dog within Half a Mile of our Camp at Bathurst Lake.--- At 4 p.m. the whole of our Party, including our Servants, Carters &c. &c. being assembled in, and immediately under the Fly of my large Tent (which had been left standing here) the Revd. Mr. Cartwright performed Divine Worship, and gave us a very excellent appropriate Sermon, strongly impressing the justice, good Policy, and expediency of Civilizing the Aborigines, or Black Natives of the Country and Settling them in Townships. --- We dined at 6 o'clock, drank Tea at 1/2 past 7 -- and went to Bed at 9 o'clock.--- Monday 30. Octr. We went this stage by the same Route we came; only deviating ourselves a little from it for the purpose of Hunting in "Goulburn Plains" where we killed one large Emu and a Native Dog. ---The Commissioner's Servants also killed a large Kangaroo in the open Forest before we entered the Plains. Wishing to get as far forward on our Journey as possible, in consequence of the great appearance of Rainy Weather setting in tonight, we pursued our Journey beyond the part of Goulburn Plains in our advance until we reached the Wallandilly River, 5 miles further on -- crossing that River at a good Ford, and Encamping on the Left Bank of it, on a very pretty spot of Ground, close to the River -- and where we arrived at 4 o'clock; the distance from Bathurst Lake to our present Ground being at least 24 miles.--- The heavy Baggage did not come up till 5 o'clock, and then a Drissling [sic] Rain came on, attended with a Sharp Cold Wind from the North East. ---Our Tents were immediately Pitched and we got under cover of them immediately, with good large Fires made in front of them.--- We dined at 6, drank Tea at 1/2 past 7 -- and went to Bed at Nine o'clock -- it still raining lightly.--- Tuesday 31. Octr. --- Wednesday 1. Novr. 1820. The last of the heavy Baggage was sent off at a qr. past 7 o'clock, and we followed it ourselves at the same Hour -- only diverging a little to the Right from the Road by which the Baggage went on purpose to explore the Country to the Southward and Eastward of it. ---We passed through some very fine Forest Land, beautifully diversified with Hill and Valley -- and thinly Timbered. ---About half way between Cookbundoon and Wallandilly Rivers, we fell in with large and most curious looking masses of Rock called the Pudding Stone -- and of various odd shapes -- isolated -- and about Sixty feet in Height; some of the sides of these masses being quite perpendicular, and like the Walls of an old Castle. Further on we came to a very beautiful open Forest about 4 miles from Wallandilly River; the Land being undulated and very beautiful -- and very thinly Timbered. ---The Commissioner having frequently expressed his admiration of these fine Plains -- or open Forest I proposed giving them his name, but which he declined. ---I therefore named this beautiful Tract of rich Forest Land "Eden Forest" in honor of Lord Auckland, who has proved himself so much the real friend of the Chief Inhabitants of Australia, namely those who have been Convicts or are descended from Convicts. We reached our new Ground on the Pininsula, formed by the junction of the Wallandilly and St. Patrick Rivers, at Half past 1 o'clock, and found our Camp Pitched on a very pretty Ridge -- our Baggage having arrived here an Hour before us; -- it having only a distance of 13 miles to come, whilst we rode -- by our circuitous Route at least 7 miles more.--- We took some Wine and Biscuit when we arrived, and dined at 1/2 past 4 o'clock.--- We had no sooner sat down to Dinner than it came on to Rain -- and continued to do so till 7 o'clock. We drank Tea & went to Bed at the usual Hour of 9. ---It being cold and damp, we had large Fires made in front of all our Tents. Thursday 2. Novr. 1820. We travelled for the first 8 miles on the made Road, and struck in to the Right to explore the Land to the Southward and Eastward thereof. We passed through some very fine open Forest of about Ten miles long -- containing rich good Land well adapted for Tillage or grazing, and abounding in excellent Timber, sufficiently well watered by Ponds. This rich beautiful Tract of Forest Land -- at the recommendation of Commissr. Bigge, I named "Sutton Forest," in honor of the Right Honble. Chas. Manners Sutton, the present Speaker of the House of Commons, a man of eminence and Patriotic Character.--- We saw and hunted many Flocks of Kangaroos in the course of this day's Ride and killed three of them. ---We arrived at Throsby-Park at 2 p.m. -- and after looking at Mr. Throsby's Cattle, we pursued our Journey forward, intending to take up our next Station on the Right Bank of the Wingeecarabee River. ---The greater part of the Baggage had forded the River previous to our arrival -- and we forded it with the last part of the Baggage and encamped on a very pretty Bank on the North side of the River.--- We dined at 5 -- drank Tea at 1/2 past 7 -- and went to Bed at 9 o'clock. The Revd. Mr. Cartwright and Mr. Throsby, intending to return to their respective Homes tomorrow, I have written a Letter to my dear Mrs. M. by the former, to be forwarded by him from Liverpool.--- Friday 3. Novr!!! Arrived at our Ground at Bargo, 24 1/2 miles from our last stage at 3 o'clock and Pitched our Camp at a Chain of Ponds 4 miles short of the Bargo River. ---We dined at 6 -- and after Dinner I drank a Silent Bumper in Honor of the Day, being this day 13 years married to my dearest Elizabeth.--- We drank Tea and retired to Rest at the usual early Hours.--- Saturday 4. Novr. We viewed all the Govt. Cattle here & found them in very fine order; Dressed & dined at Six -- drank Tea at 8 -- and went to Bed at 9 o'clock. We found Mr. David Johnston Supdt. of Govt. Stock, waiting for us at Cawdor.--- Sunday 5. Novr. ! --- The Commissr. having resolved on going to sleep at Mr. Oxley's tonight, we dined today at 4 o'clock, to enable him to cross the River before dark. He accordingly left us -- with his own immediate Suite at 6 o'clock. --- Messrs. Jas. & Wm. McArthur dined with us -- they being at present residing at their Father's Farm of Lower Camden. ---We had no sooner returned Home from our Ride this afternoon than it came on very heavy Rain. ---We drank Tea at 7 -- and retired to Rest at 9 -- then raining very heavy.--- Monday 6. Novr. ! L.M. Copyright © 1998-2009 Macquarie University. All rights reserved. |