Friday 31. July !
We all got up early -- and Breakfasted exactly at 8 o'clock this morning. At 9 a.m. set out with Capt. Wallis in his Gig, accompanied by Mr. Meehan, to explore the River some miles up it, and also the Lands on its Banks; directing all the other Boats, with the exception of my own Barge, to set out on their return down the River to Raymond Terrace as soon as the Baggage should be packed up; but my own Barge I ordered to wait at the Burying Ground till my return. -- We rowed up the 3d. Branch or Main River for 9 miles, to the Head nearly of a very fine long Reach of it about 3 miles long (which I named "Macquarie Reach") on both Banks of which there was very fine Land. -- I named a very fine tract of Forest Land on the Right Bank of the River near this Reach "Wallis's Plains" in honor of Capt. Wallis. -- Having examined the Land of both sides of this River which appeared to be of excellent quality both for cultivation & grazing, we returned down the River to the Burying Ground where we arrived at 1/2 past 1 p.m -- We then changed into my own Barge and proceeded down the River; landed a little way below the Burying Ground to look at the "Large Fig Tree" -- which is the finest and tallest I ever saw -- it measuring round the Base near the Trunk no less than 24 yards in circumference! -- We also landed on the Left Bank of the River, about a mile below the Burying Ground, to look at and examin[e] the Cedar Ground, where there is at present a gang of 15 men under an overseer cutting Cedar for Government; there being a military guard of a Corpl. & 3 Privates to protect them from the Natives. We found a considerable Quantity of Cedar Logs ready cut on the Bank of the River, and we walked for about a mile into the woods to look at the Cedar growing, and from which distance they are at present bringing it after being cut into Logs to the Banks of the River. ---
Left the Cedar Party at 1/2 past 2 p.m and pursued our way down the River; picking up Capt. Wallis's Gig at Point Reception, where it had waited for us since yesterday. -- We arrived at Raymond Terrace at 1/4 past 6 o'clock -- it being then Dark. -- We reckon it at least 30 miles from the Head of Macquarie Reach to Raymond Terrace -- which is the distance down besides the 9 or 10 miles we went up this Branch above the Burying Ground. This is a very beautiful and Picturesque River, and has sufficient depth of water in it as far as I have gone up it for a Vessel of 50 Tons Burthen, and the Land on its Banks being excellent, it is in every respect fit for establishing Settlements on. ---
We found our Camp Pitched -- fires lighted -- and Dinner ready -- on our arrival at Raymond Terrace -- where we sat down to a most excellent Dinner at 7 o'clock, retiring to Bed at ten o'clock. ---
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