Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Wednesday 5 Augt. !

Soon after Breakfast Mrs. M. myself and Lachlan, set out in the Barge accompanied by Capt. Wallis, to visit the Govt. Farm and the Lime Burners; the former being about one mile and the latter six miles from the Town of Newcastle. -- We found the Farm in very good order, with a very neat cottage on it. ---

I travelled over the grounds where the Lime is burnt from the shells collected on the shore. -- I mustered the Lime Burners Gang consisting of an overseer & 54 men as Labourers, guarded by a Corpl. & 3 Privates. We returned from our Water Excursion about 2 o'clock -- Capt. Wallis's Band having attended & played for us in another Boat during our Excursion.

At 4 p.m accompanied by Capt. Wallis, Revd. Mr. Cowper, Major Antill, Lt. Macquarie, Ensn. Roberts and Mr. Meehan, I went to the shore of the channel dividing Coal Island from the South-Head, for the purpose of laying the Foundation and first stone of the Causway or Pier to be constructed across from the Main to the Island; and the stone being cut and ready, with an inscription, it was laid accordingly with all due Form in presence of the Artificers & Labourers to be employed in the construction of it; and Capt. Wallis having proposed that it should bear my name it was accordingly called after me "Macquarie Pier" -- which [with] the present year 1818 -- was cut and inscribed on the Foundation Stone. After the Foundation Stone had been laid, the artificers and Labourers were served with an allowance of Spirits to drink success to the undertaking -- which they did with 3 hearty cheers.---

On my return Home I called at the Provision Store to inspect it, and found it in good order and well supplied with Provisions. I also called at the Watch on the Beach recently erected by Capt. Wallis -- and was much pleased with the neatness and appropriate situation of it. -- We then returned Home to Dinner at 5 o'clock, well pleased with my Day's work! ---

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