Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Monday 3d. Augt. !

Early this morning the Govt. Boat called the Antelope arrived here from Port Stephens, whither she had been sent on Wednesday last from Sydney in search of 3 Boats with Runaway Convicts that had made their escape from Sydney on the preceding Day in those three Private Boats -- amounting to the number of 21 or 24 men. -- It being supposed those Pirates intended to cut of[f] some small colonial Vessels lately gone to Port Stephens for Cedar, the Antelope was directed to proceed thither to apprize them of their eventual Danger, which she accordingly did -- but has seen nothing of the Pirates.-- The Antelope is commanded by Mr. Murray the Pilot, and has a Party of Soldiers belonging to the 48th Regt. on board commanded by Serjt. Burrowes.---

This forenoon Mr. Cowper married Ten Couple, and Baptised 30 children in the new Church; the first ceremony of the kind ever yet performed at Newcastle. -- On this occasion I directed the whole of the Convicts to be exempted from work, and to receive an extra Ration of Fresh meat -- on account of the Holiday. ---

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