Monday 15. May 1815 !
Sent off our heavy Baggage very early this morning for Cox's Pass, and set out ourselves in the Carriage at 1/2 past 7 o'clock this morning, arriving there at 1/4 past 8; dis[tan]ce. from Cox's River 6 1/4 miles to the foot of Mount York. --Here we halted and Breakfasted, whilst our heavy Baggage, Carriage, and Horses were Conveyed to the top of this tremendous and extraordinary Pass, which is a most steep and difficult aclivity for three quarters of a mile. The whole of the Carriages and Baggage having been safely conveyed to the top of the Pass, Mrs. M. and myself began to ascend it on foot at 35 minutes past 11 and reached to the Top of it at 5 minutes after 12.---
From the Top of the Pass we once more feasted our Eyes with the Grand and Picturesque [word missing] of the Country below us and which we had just quitted. We got into the Carriage on the summit of Mount York, and pursued our Journey forwards; arriving at our former Ground at the 41 Mile Tree at 2 o'clock, dis[tan]ce. from Cox's River 14 miles. -- This Place having a black wild appearance I have this day named it "Black-Heath". -- It affords however plenty of good water for Man and Beast and tolerable good Feed for the latter. We had a very thick heavy Fog here all this day, which seemed to threaten Rain -- but none fell. -- We dined at 5 o'clock and went early to Bed.
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