Wednesday 10. May !
After Breakfasting this morning, we were visited by three male Natives of the Country, all very handsome good looking young men, and whom we had not seen before. -- I gave them presents of Slops and Tomahawks -- and to the best looking and stoutest of them I gave a Piece of Yellow Cloth in exchange for his Mantle, which he presented me with. -- As soon as these 3 Natives had taken their leave of us, Mrs. Macquarie and myself, accompanied by Sir John Jamison and Secry. Campbell, went on a short Water-Party on the River in the two new Boats lately sent here from Sydney; Mrs. M. and myself going in the one called the Water-Mole, and the two Gentlemen in the one called the Swan. We rowed up and down one of the Reaches of the River here about Half a mile long, and tried to catch some Fish with Lines -- but were not successful, the Sun being too bright for the Fish biting -- and also on account of the River being at present much lower than usual. -- The general Breadth of the Macquarie River at Bathurst is between Twenty five and Thirty yards; but in some other Places it contracts itself to one third of that Breadth. Having taken my gun with me on the Water, I had an opportunity of shooting at and killing a large Black Snake on the Left Bank of the River. -- I also fired at a large Hawk, but missed it. -- We remained for an Hour on the River and then returned Home at 1 o'clock.
At 2 p.m. the 3 Natives who came into Camp in the morning brought in Eleven others to see us, two of whom were grown up men and the rest Boys -- no Female having come in with them either time. -- I spoke kindly to them all, gave them all Presents of Black Leather Caps and Tomahawks -- and Slops to the grown up men. -- I also gave orders that they should have plenty to eat from the Public Stores. -- They appeared very much pleased and went away highly gratified.
This afternoon a large Fish was caught in the River which weighed Seventeen Pounds; and Joseph Big my Coachman killed and brought into Camp a very fine large Emu which weighed Eighty Six Pounds! We dined at 5 o'clock and Played Cards as usual between Dinner and Tea-time. ---
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