Lachlan Macquarie:
Tour to the New discovered/Country in April 1815.
25 April 1815 - 19 May 1815
Records details of the journey made across the Blue Mountains to Bathurst by Lachlan and Elizabeth Macquarie, a large party of officials, servants, and a military escort. This was the first official visit to the Bathurst Plains and marked the opening of the newly completed road constructed by convict work gangs under the command of William Cox
Members of the official party included: John Thomas Campbell, Dr. William Redfern, William Cox, Sir John Jamison; John Oxley, George Evans, James Meehan [surveyors]; John Lewin [artist]; Major Henry Antill, Lieutenant John Watts [military officers]; Joseph Bigg [coachman] and George Jarvis [manservant].
Original held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.
[ML Ref: A779]
Lachlan Macquarie:
Journal of a Tour/ made by Govr Macquarie/ and Suite into/the Interior/parts of the Colony of/ N.S.Wales in/ Octr. 1815.
4 October 1815 - 12 October 1815
Records a journey by Lachlan Macquarie and officials to the Cowpastures and other parts of the interior, including Nattai Mountains, Bargo, Kobbatty Hills, Emu Plains and Rooty Hill.
Members of the official party included: John Thomas Campbell, John Campbell, William Cox, Rowland Hassall, John Oxley, James Meehan, Major Henry Antill, and Lieutenant John Watts.
Original held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.
[ML Ref: A780]
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