Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Monday 6th. Jany. 1812.
At Day-break this morning we were off the Heads of Port Jackson, which we passed through at 1/2 past 4 in the morning; and at half past 5 o'clock we anchored in Sydney Cove, after an absence of Two Months and Two Days from the Seat of Government. ---

At 6 a.m we landed and were received by Lt. Govr. O'Connell at the head of the 73d Regt. with military honors; the Corps forming a Lane from the Wharf to the Government House; a Salute being fired from Dawze's Battery immediately on my landing. ---

I had the pleasure to find all friends at Sydney perfectly well and as I left them, with the exception of the Revd. Mr. Cowper, who has been very dangerously ill, and still continues indisposed, but is now considered out of danger. ---

I had also the pleasure to find the Publick Works in a progressive state of forwardness fully equal to my expectations, and that Lieut. Govr. O'Connell had carried on the current Details of the Public Service with great zeal and regularity during my absence from the Seat of Government; for which I expressed my thanks to him in my General Orders of this date.

I find on inquiry that not a single Vessel has arrived from either Europe or India, or any foreign Country at Port Jackson since my departure hence on the 4th of Novr. last, and consequently no later English News than what was received here previous to my departure. ---

The Ruby and Daphne, both India Vessels which I left here are the only Strange Vessels now at Port Jackson. ---


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