Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Friday 3d. Jany. 1812.
At Day-light we were within 6 or 7 miles off the shore of Newcastle. ---At Sunrise fired a gun and hoisted our Colours. ---It being quite Calm, we could make no way to the shore, and must therefore wait for the Sea Breeze. ---At 10 a.m. the Sea Breeze set in very light, and at 11 a.m. we were within 3 miles of the Shore and in sight of the Houses of Newcastle. ---No Boat having yet come off to us, I ordered the Ship Boat to be hoisted out in order to land in it. ---The Colonial Schooner Govr. Hunter passed us at about two miles distance at 10 o'clock this morning on her way from Newcastle to Sydney. ---

At 11 a.m. Mrs. M. & myself with the Gentlemen of our Family set out in the Ship's Boat for Newcastle -- leaving the Vessel to follow us, being still between 2 & 3 miles from the Shore.

We rowed in through the Channel formed by the main Land and Nobby's (or Coal) Island, and landed at the Settlement of Newcastle at 1/2 past 1 o'clock; Lieut. Skottowe the Commandant having received us on the Govt. Wharf from whence we proceeded to the Government House. ---I issued General Orders immediately on my landing respecting the inspection of the Settlement. ---I then went with Mrs. M. &c. to view the Coal mines, and took afterwards a long walk along the Beach and over the Hills in the vicinity of the Town and through the Town itself. ---Soon after the Lady Nelson had come in and anchored in the Harbour, we returned on board again, Lt. Skottowe accompanying us to Dinner. ---

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