Journal to and from Van Diemen's
Land to Sydney in N.S.Wales
Monday 4th. Novr. 1811.
At 6 a.m. Left Government House at Sydney accompanied by Mrs. Macquarie, Capt. Antill, Major of Brigade, Lieut. Maclaine, Aid de Camp, and Mr. James Meehan, Acting Surveyor Genl. and proceeded in the Government Barge Elizabeth to embark on board His Majesty's Colonial Brig Lady Nelson commanded by Mr. Bryan Overand; Lieut. Governor O'Connell and several other friends accompanying us from Government House to the wharf, where we took leave of all of them, excepting Secry. Campbell and Dr. Redfern, who accompanied us on board the Nelson -- then lying at Anchor near the South Head, about six miles down the Harbour. ---We reached and got on board the Nelson at 7 o'clock and found our accommodation clean, neat, and comfortable; all which, as well as the laying in Provisions and everything necessary for the Voyage, was arranged and directed by Mrs. Macquarie, and who deserves great praise for the taste and Judgment she has evinced on this occasion.---
The Wind and Tide being both against our turning out of Port Jackson to Sea clear of the Heads, we were obliged to remain at Anchor till half past Ten till the Tide of Ebb commenced, when we weighed anchor and began Turning out of the Heads, which it required a great many Tacks to accomplish. ---At Half past 11 o'clock, some time after we had Breakfasted, Secry. Campbell and Dr. Redfern took their leave of us, as did Mr. Nichols the Prinl. Supdt. of Convicts, who had also attended us from Sydney in his own Boat on board the Lady Nelson.---
By one o'clock we had completely cleared the Heads and got out to Sea, steering our Course about North East, so as to get a good offing before dark; --the wind being about North by East -- and blowing a fine fresh Breeze -- but with a considerable swell and Head Sea, which occasioned much motion -- and made Mrs. M. and all of us very Sea-Sick. ---We sat down to Dinner at 5 p.m. -- but none of us were much disposed to eat.---
The Wind continued fair for us till Sunsett [sic], when it came round more to the Eastward. ---It blew pretty fresh all night, with a great swell and Head Sea, which made the Vessel Roll and Pitch very much, and made us all very Sick.
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