Saturday 30th. Novr. 1811.---
At 5 o'clock this morning, I set out on Horseback, accompanied by Capt. Antill and a Guide to explore and survey a High Hill, situated about 4 miles South East of Hobart Town, for the purpose of ascertaining whether it was an eligible situation for erecting a Signal Post on; and having explored the Summit of this Hill, I found it commands a most extensive and noble prospect in every direction -- for a vast distance to Sea as far as the Eye can reach -- has a full view of Frederick Henry Bay, Ralph's Bay, the Heads & Entrance of Adventure Bay, and the Heads & Entrance into the River Derwent, including Betsy's Island. ---I have therefore determined that a Signal Post shall be established on the Summit of this Hill, which I have named Mount Nelson; and have issued the necessary orders to the Commandant to have a Flag Staff and Guard House erected there immediately, with a Corporal's Guard stationed there furnished with the necessary Flags for making Signals.
I did not return home from Mount Nelson till half past 9 o'clock, and after Breakfast I transacted business with several Settlers and other Inhabitants of this Settlement.---
At Noon Mr. Mc.Carty waited on me with an Address from the Settlers and other Inhabitants of the District of New Norfolk, to which I made a suitable reply in writing.---
In the evening we sent off our Servants, Horses & Baggage in Boats up the River to Stanfield's Farm on the North side of the River, Twelve miles from Hobart Town, to be on so far before us, preparatory to our setting out for Port Dalrymple, overland, on Monday next. We had the usual Party of friends to dine with us today, including Mr. Knopwood.
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