Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Thursday 14th. Novr.---
We have had a very fine run all last Night, and at 8 this morning we had ran down 120 miles of our Voyage since yesterday Noon.

At Noon this day we were in Latd. 41° 57' by Observation -- and abreast of St. Patricks Head on Van Diemen's Land; but the weather being at this time very dark and hazey, [sic] no Land can be seen, tho' we must be pretty near it.

At 10 minutes past 1 o'clock Land was clearly seen from the Deck -- distant about 12 Leagues or 36 miles, and supposed to be St. Patrick's Head on Van Diemen's Land. --At the same time Scouten's Islands were seen almost right ahead, St. Patrick's Head having been seen off the Beam. ---We are now steering for Oyster Island (to the Southward of Scouten's Islands) in sight from the Main Top and distant about 50 miles from us.---

At 5 p.m.The wind unfortunately suddenly veered round to the westward, blowing a smart gale, which obliged us to stand off again from the Land -- and shortly afterwards to ly-too [sic] during the remainder of the Night, a very high Sea rising with the Gale, which made the Vessel labour very much, and consequently rendered the Night uncomfortable for all of us.---

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