Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

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Saturday 28th. Decr. 1811 !!!
This day two years I arrived at Port Jackson from England!---

At 8 a.m. the wind blew very fresh against us at North East, with a heavy sea running and a strong Current setting us to the Southward. ---At Noon we were driven to the Southward within a few miles of Cape Howe.

At 1/4 past 4 p.m. the Wind shifted round very suddenly to the South West, blowing a strong Gale, with a heavy Sea, which enabled us once more to steer our Course, and to sail at the rate of 7 Knots an hour. ---At 6 p.m. we were abreast of Twofold Bay.---

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