Monday 2d. Decr. 1811.
I intended setting out early this morning for Port Dalrymple -- but the weather proved so boisterous and rainy in the morning that I postponed my departure in hopes of its proving more moderate in the afternoon.
I pointed out to the Inspector of Works this morning where the new Military Barracks & Hospital are to be built on Barrack Hill, a little South East of the Town. ---Also where the new Genl. Hospital and County Jail are to be built -- on an eminence to the Westward of the Town and near the West Bank of the River. ---I had the names of the Great Square & Principal Streets Painted on Boards and this morning erected on Posts at the Angles of the Square & Streets to define & mark out their respective limits and direction; naming them as follows: vizt. George's Square --1 Macquarie (Main) Street -- Liverpool Street -- Argyle Street -- Elizabeth Street, Murray Street, Harrington Street -- and Collins Street; being 3 long and 4 Cross Streets as per Plan of the Town. ---In the 3 Angles of the Square, the new Church, Court House, and Main Guard are intended to be built.---
The Weather having cleared up today between 3 and 4 o'clock, I resolved on commencing my Journey to Port Dalrymple, having now finished all my business & Inspections at the Derwent.---
At 4 p.m. we all set out from Hobart Town in Capt. Murray's Barge to proceed up the River to Stanfield's Farm on the N.East side of the River, and from whence we are to commence our overland Journey; our Servants, Horses & Baggage having gone on there before us. ---On going to the Place of Embarkation, the Gentlemen & Principal Inhabitants of Hobart Town met us and attended us to our Boat and gave us 3 cheers on going on board.
The Military were drawn out to receive me in passing through Macquarie Street, and a salute of 19 Guns was fired from the Battery; the Military & Inhabitants cheering us again as the Boat put off from the Wharf. ---Capt. Murray accompanied us as far as New Town, we landed him after taking his leave of us. ---Lieut. Gunning accompanied us to Stanfield's Farm -- and Lieut. D. Campbell is to make one of our Party all the way to Port Dalrymple. ---At 6 p.m. arrive at Stanfield's Farm, where we take up our Quarters for this Night, disce. 12 miles.---
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