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Journal to and from Van Diemen's Monday 4th. Novr. 1811. The Wind and Tide being both against our turning out of Port Jackson to Sea clear of the Heads, we were obliged to remain at Anchor till half past Ten till the Tide of Ebb commenced, when we weighed anchor and began Turning out of the Heads, which it required a great many Tacks to accomplish. ---At Half past 11 o'clock, some time after we had Breakfasted, Secry. Campbell and Dr. Redfern took their leave of us, as did Mr. Nichols the Prinl. Supdt. of Convicts, who had also attended us from Sydney in his own Boat on board the Lady Nelson.--- By one o'clock we had completely cleared the Heads and got out to Sea, steering our Course about North East, so as to get a good offing before dark; --the wind being about North by East -- and blowing a fine fresh Breeze -- but with a considerable swell and Head Sea, which occasioned much motion -- and made Mrs. M. and all of us very Sea-Sick. ---We sat down to Dinner at 5 p.m. -- but none of us were much disposed to eat.--- The Wind continued fair for us till Sunsett [sic], when it came round more to the Eastward. ---It blew pretty fresh all night, with a great swell and Head Sea, which made the Vessel Roll and Pitch very much, and made us all very Sick. Tuesday 5th. Novr. 1811. As we were all very Sea Sick during the morning, we did not breakfast until after we had anchored in Jarvis's Bay at a late Hour in the Day. ---Between 3 and 4 o'clock we went on shore on Bowen Island, and walked on it for some time. ---From the Highest part of it we had a fine extensive view of the Sea on one hand and of the Bay on the other -- and of the distant Mountains inland. ---The Pigeon House an immense High Prominent Hill to the Southward, and Hat-Hill to the Northward of Jarvis's Bay, we could see very distinctly. ---After remaining for about an hour on Bowen Island, we crossed to the South shore of the Main Land in Jarvis's Bay, and walked there for another Hour, along the Sea Shore, Picking a few Shells and Pebles [sic] as we went. Here we saw nothing like runs or Springs of Fresh Water, altho' we conclude there must be some further inland, as a great number of Natives inhabit this part of the Bay -- having seen many of them at a distance in the course of the day. ---The first we saw were three men on Bowen Island as we were passing in through the Entrance into the Bay; they then Holloed to us, and afterwards, when anchored, came off to us in their Canoes with Fish, which they willingly bartered for Biscuit and Tobacco. ---They were very stout well-made good-looking men, and seemed perfectly at their ease and void of fear. ---We remained on shore till sunset and then returned to the Vessel, dining immediately after coming on board. ---Mr. Overand and the Sailors caught a number of young Sharks during the Day, this Bay abounding in them and a great variety of good Fish. ---The Soil on the main land, as far as we walked along shore, is sandy and barren, but the woods are very close and thick a little way from the Beach. Wednesday 6th. Novr. 1811. At 4 o'clock we sat down to Dinner. At 1/2 past 5 p.m. we went to take a walk on shore at the Head of the Bay on the South Shore. ---Mrs. M. and myself went to see two Native Huts close to the Beach, constructed in a very superior manner to any we had seen before in the Colony, being larger and better secured from the effects of the weather. ---We expected to have seen a great number of the Natives here, but were disappointed, not one having appeared during this Excursion. We went a little way into the Forest to view the different sorts of Trees and the Soil. ---There are no great variety of the Former, which principally consist of the white and Blue Gums and Honey-Suckle, but which are generally stunted and grow to no great Size. ---The Soil is very indifferent, being generally Sandy with a very small mixture of Earth. ---Near the spot where we landed from the Boat, we fell in with a very pretty little Stream of good fresh water, which falls into the Bay here, and would afford an equal Supply as the Stream passing, through the Town of Sydney. The Land along the Bay is low for about a mile backward from the Beach, and then begins to rise into lofty Hills, the whole being thickly covered with wood. --- After perambulating for about two hours along the Beach, and in the adjoining woods, and rowing along the Shores of this fine Bay, we returned on board the Lady Nelson at 1/2 past 7 o'clock. Thursday 7th. Novr. 1811. Friday 8th. Novr. 1811. Saturday 9th. Novr. 1811. No Land in Sight but we hope to see Cape Barren, in the Straits, as soon as the Sea Breeze sets in, as we have run 120 miles since 12 o'clock yesterday by our reckoning.--- The Calm continued till about 3 o'clock this afternoon, when a fresh Breeze at S.West sprang up and continued to freshen till Sunset, at which time it came on to blow a very smart Gale of Wind, with a high Sea running. ---The Gale increased considerably between 8 and 9 o'clock and continued to blow most violently during the whole Night, and obliged us to ly-too [sic], not being able to carry any Sail, the vessel having great motion and labouring excessively.--- Sunday 10th. Novr. Monday 11th. Novr. Tuesday 12th. Novr. 1811. At Noon this Day it was a complete Storm, nor was there the least appearance of the Gale abating; so that we are still obliged to continue lying-too,[sic] there being an immense Sea. At 3 p.m. the Sky cleared up and it began to moderate a little. ---At 4 p.m. the Sea was considerably fallen and by 5 p.m. the Gale had abated very much indeed; and at 6 p.m. the weather was so moderate that we were able once more to carry Sail on our little tight Bark -- steering westerly so as to close in again with the Land, from which we had drifted very much whilst laying too [sic] for the last three days. Wednesday 13th. Novr.--- My poor dear Elizabeth has suffered a great deal from Sea Sickness during the Storm and from the violent motion of the Vessel; -- but she makes a most excellent brave Sailor, never expressing the least fear or apprehension of danger during the whole Storm; which was enough to alarm most Landsmen in so very small a Vessel; Mr. Overand himself confessing it to be one of the worst and most violent Gales he ever experienced. ---Our Little Party assembled sociably to a very comfortable Breakfast in our own little snug Cabin this morning for the first time these four days past -- all in good health. Wednesday 13th. Novr. 1811 At 5 p.m. The Wind shifted round to the West N.West, blowing a very fine fresh Breeze, and which enabled us to steer our Course South West by South, going at the rate of 6 Knots an hour. By 10 p.m. The Breeze freshened considerably and enabled us to steer our Course for Cape Pillar quite free -- going 8 Knots an hour.--- Thursday 14th. Novr.--- At Noon this day we were in Latd. 41 57' by Observation -- and abreast of St. Patricks Head on Van Diemen's Land; but the weather being at this time very dark and hazey, [sic] no Land can be seen, tho' we must be pretty near it. At 10 minutes past 1 o'clock Land was clearly seen from the Deck -- distant about 12 Leagues or 36 miles, and supposed to be St. Patrick's Head on Van Diemen's Land. --At the same time Scouten's Islands were seen almost right ahead, St. Patrick's Head having been seen off the Beam. ---We are now steering for Oyster Island (to the Southward of Scouten's Islands) in sight from the Main Top and distant about 50 miles from us.--- At 5 p.m.The wind unfortunately suddenly veered round to the westward, blowing a smart gale, which obliged us to stand off again from the Land -- and shortly afterwards to ly-too [sic] during the remainder of the Night, a very high Sea rising with the Gale, which made the Vessel labour very much, and consequently rendered the Night uncomfortable for all of us.--- Friday 15th. Novr. 1811. Saturday 16th. Novr. At 4 p.m. A light Breeze at S.East sprung up and the Haze clearing a little about half an Hour afterwards, we got sight of Cape Pillar, distant 7 or 8 miles on our Larboard Bow. ---This Head Land we hoped and expected to double in about an hour; but just as we got within four mile of the Cape, the Wind shifted suddenly round to the South West, blowing a smart gale with a high Sea running, which obliged us to abandon the intention of doubling Cape Pillar this Night. ---It was consequently determined on to steer back along the Land to the Northward, so as, if possible, to get in to Oyster Bay then within about 35 miles to the Northward of us. ---This we had nearly effected, having reached to within half an hour's run of the anchoring Place, when the Gale became so violent with a terrible Sea running, that it was quite impossible any longer to carry sail to it. ---We accordingly stood out again to Sea between 12 and 1 o'clock at Night and lay too [sic] the remainder of the Night -- during which it blew a perfect storm with a tremendous high Sea.--- Sunday 17th. Novr. 1811. After Breakfast Capt. Antill read Prayers to us. ---At 5 p.m. Oyster Island was nearly out of Sight -- and the Gale continues as violent as ever. Monday 18th. Novr. Tuesday 19th. Novr.--- Wednesday 20th. Novr. 1811.--- Thursday 21st. Novr.--- At 3 p.m. We bore away for Frederick Henry Bay, and at 4 p.m. anchored there close to the N.East side of Betsy's Island about 14 miles from Hobart Town. Friday, 22d. Novr. 1811 At 11 a.m. I sent off Mr. Meehan, the Surveyor, to proceed overland to Hobart Town to apprise the Commandant of my being here, and desiring him to send down Boats immediately to Ralph's Bay to convey ourselves and Baggage to the Settlement.--- At 10 p.m. Capt. Murray of the 73d Regt. and Comdt. of Hobart Town came on board the Lady Nelson to wait on me, being accompanied by Mr. Meehan the Surveyor, and having brought the Government Barge down to Ralph's Bay for conveying us up to the Settlement tomorrow morning; it being now too late to leave the Vessel this Night.--- Saturday 23d. Novr. 1811. I left orders with Mr. Overand to bring up the Lady Nelson to Hobart Town as soon as the Wind changed sufficiently to enable him to do so, leaving some of our Servants and heavy Baggage to come up to Town in her. I issued General Orders to announce my arrival to inspect this Settlement and also my intention of visiting & inspecting the several Farms in it in the course of the ensuing week. ---I then dressed and went out to take a walk with Mrs. Macquarie through the Town before Dinner. ---We walked in the Government Garden, and afterwards on the Hill intended to build the new Barracks on.--- Capt. Murray, Lieuts. Gunning & Campbell, & Asst.. Surgeon Dermott of the 73d. Regt. besides our own family, dined with us today, and in the Evening the Town was very handsomely illuminated, and large Bone-fires were made by the Troops, the free Inhabitants, and Convicts, in compliment to my arrival at this Settlement. ---Some of the Houses were very fancifully and prettily illuminated, and the Inhabitants & Troops & Convicts continued singing and dancing around their Bone-fires to a late hour. The Favorite Brig was also very beautifully illuminated.--- Sunday 24th. Novr. 1811. In the afternoon I sent off a dispatch to Major Gordon, Comdt. of Port Dalrymple, to announce my arrival here, and my intention to set out for that Settlement overland on Monday the 2d of next month.--- The Revd. Mr. Knopwood & the officers of the Detachments of 73d. & Royal Marines (including Lt. Breedon of the latter) dined with us today.--- Monday 25th. Novr. 1811. I afterwards visited the Civil and Military Hospitals, found the former in very bad, but the latter in very good order. ---I also visited the Provision Store, Gaol, and Guard House, and the several other Public Buildings.--- The officers of the two Detachments and Mr. Knopwood dined with us. Tuesday 26th. Novr. 1811. Wednesday 27th. Novr. 1811. At 1/2 past 3 p.m. Mrs. Macquarie & myself attended by the Gentlemen of our Party, and Mr. Mc.Carty, crossed the River to the South side to visit the Government Farm & Stock-Yard, running along this fine long reach of the River for about three quarters of a mile N.East & S.West. ---The Land here is quite clear of Timber and the view from this Farm is beautiful and extensive; having a very pretty Rivulet of Fresh water running at the back of -- the Farm being elevated, and running along a fine Ridge between the great River and the Rivulet. ---This Situation appeared to me so eligible and so remarkably well adapted for a Township, being Twenty miles only from Hobart Town, that I have determined to erect one here for the District of New Norfolk, naming it "Elizabeth-Town", in honor of my dear good wife, and I have christened the Rivulet "The Thames". After a delightful walk at Elizabeth Town, we re-crossed the River to Mr. Mc.Carty's, where we had a most excellent Dinner.--- A great number of the Settlers received us with many Cheers and Huzzas on our first landing at Mc.Carty's Farm, where they continued drinking, singing, and making Bone-fires the greater part of the Night. ---We went in the Boat to see the 1st. Fall after Dinner.--- Thursday 28th. Novr. 1811. The greater part of the Settlers attended at Mc.Carty's on our departure thence and after speaking to them all on their several claims, and exhorting them to persevere in their present habits of industry, honesty, sobriety, and morality, I took my leave of them and we set out on our return to Hobart Town in Capt. Murray's Barge at 12 o'clock. ---We had a pleasant Rowe [sic] down the River as far as Tea Tree Point; but the Tide & Wind being there against us we were obliged to land; and having walked 3 miles to Black-Snake-Point, we found our Horses waiting there for us, and rode home from thence; arriving at Hobart Town at half past 7 o'clock, very keen set for our Dinners. On our way through New Town we called on Capt. Murray, whom we were rejoiced to find very much recovered--; being much indisposed for these three days past.--- Friday 29th. Novr. 1811. We entertained the whole of the Gentlemen of the Settlement this day at Dinner at Government House. Saturday 30th. Novr. 1811.--- I did not return home from Mount Nelson till half past 9 o'clock, and after Breakfast I transacted business with several Settlers and other Inhabitants of this Settlement.--- At Noon Mr. Mc.Carty waited on me with an Address from the Settlers and other Inhabitants of the District of New Norfolk, to which I made a suitable reply in writing.--- In the evening we sent off our Servants, Horses & Baggage in Boats up the River to Stanfield's Farm on the North side of the River, Twelve miles from Hobart Town, to be on so far before us, preparatory to our setting out for Port Dalrymple, overland, on Monday next. We had the usual Party of friends to dine with us today, including Mr. Knopwood. Sunday 1st. Decr. 1811. At 5 p.m. I walked out with Mrs. M. to see Lieut. Campbell's and Mr. Fosbrook's Farms in the vicinity of Hobart Town, ---and returned home to Dinner at 1/2 past 6 p.m.; our usual Party including Mr. Knopwood, dining with us. At 7 p.m. the Lady Nelson sailed for Port Dalrymple with a fair wind, in Company with the Brig Favorite Capt. Fisk, bound for Port Jackson.--- Monday 2d. Decr. 1811. I pointed out to the Inspector of Works this morning where the new Military Barracks & Hospital are to be built on Barrack Hill, a little South East of the Town. ---Also where the new Genl. Hospital and County Jail are to be built -- on an eminence to the Westward of the Town and near the West Bank of the River. ---I had the names of the Great Square & Principal Streets Painted on Boards and this morning erected on Posts at the Angles of the Square & Streets to define & mark out their respective limits and direction; naming them as follows: vizt. George's Square --1 Macquarie (Main) Street -- Liverpool Street -- Argyle Street -- Elizabeth Street, Murray Street, Harrington Street -- and Collins Street; being 3 long and 4 Cross Streets as per Plan of the Town. ---In the 3 Angles of the Square, the new Church, Court House, and Main Guard are intended to be built.--- The Weather having cleared up today between 3 and 4 o'clock, I resolved on commencing my Journey to Port Dalrymple, having now finished all my business & Inspections at the Derwent.--- At 4 p.m. we all set out from Hobart Town in Capt. Murray's Barge to proceed up the River to Stanfield's Farm on the N.East side of the River, and from whence we are to commence our overland Journey; our Servants, Horses & Baggage having gone on there before us. ---On going to the Place of Embarkation, the Gentlemen & Principal Inhabitants of Hobart Town met us and attended us to our Boat and gave us 3 cheers on going on board. The Military were drawn out to receive me in passing through Macquarie Street, and a salute of 19 Guns was fired from the Battery; the Military & Inhabitants cheering us again as the Boat put off from the Wharf. ---Capt. Murray accompanied us as far as New Town, we landed him after taking his leave of us. ---Lieut. Gunning accompanied us to Stanfield's Farm -- and Lieut. D. Campbell is to make one of our Party all the way to Port Dalrymple. ---At 6 p.m. arrive at Stanfield's Farm, where we take up our Quarters for this Night, disce. 12 miles.--- Tuesday 3d. Decr.--- Crossed a small Rivulet, that falls into Herdsman's Cove within about a mile of Stanfield's House, travelled over Bagdad Plains -- and along Bagdad River to the foot of Constitution Hill -- 12 miles from Stanfield's; ascended the Hill -- about 1 mile to the other side in ascending and descending into Glen-forsa (now named so by me), which continues for 3 miles to the Green Ponds. ---From thence travelled through a broad, fertile, and beautiful Valley, skirted by very fine Hills & Eminences for 5 miles; which I have named Elizabeth Valley (in honour of Mrs. M.); halted at the extremity of this Valley, and at the entrance of Serpentine Valley, close to a Pond of good fresh water, with a rich extensive meadow in our front. ---Here we arrived at 1/2 past 6 p.m. and took up our Ground for the Night, disce. 21 miles from Stanfield's House. ---I have named this Ground "Govr. Macquarie's Resting Place". ---We have travelled through a very fine, fertile, and beautifully Picturesque Country all this day and were much gratified. Wednesday 4th. Decr. 1811. I have named this High Hill or mountain on account of the fine view it commands, Prospect Hill. ---After descending from this Hill, we pursued our Journey to Jerico Plains, where we halted at 1/2 past 10 a.m. close to the River Jordan, a small stream running through an extensive meadow; this being 8 miles distant from our last Ground; we Breakfasted here and rested till 3 o'clock in the afternoon. ---At 1/2 past 3 p.m. moved on again. ---We travelled over a succession of very fine Hills and fertile Vallies for 10 miles to a Jungle with fine Springs of fresh Water in, arriving there at 8 p.m. and here we Encamped for the Night; the distance from the Ground we left in the morning being 18 miles. ---I have named this Ground "Macquarie Springs" -- or Governor's 2d. Resting Place.--- Thursday 5th. Decr. At 1/2 past 3 p.m. Pursued our Journey over Salt Pans [sic] Plains, which are about Ten miles in extent -- hardly a tree on them, and a very poor barren Soil. ---Passed several of the Salt Pans; one of which, about 7 miles from Antill's Ponds, is a very large one, and now almost half covered over with fine Salt, which I examined and tasted. ---About half a mile farther on, and to the right of our Track, is a very beautiful and singular round Hill, with the top perfectly flat -- hitherto called Donn's Battery -- but which I have now named "Mount Henrietta"-- in honor of Mrs. M. ---I rode up to the top of it and from the summit had a fine view of the Plains and adjoining Hills and Mountains, including the one called Grimes's Sugar Loaf. ---I saw many Native Fires in the faces of the neighbouring Mountains -- but saw none of themselves.--- Having left Salt Pans [sic] Plains, and passed Grimes's Lagoon, a very fine one a quarter of a mile long, on our left, we entered Argyle Plains (so named now by me, being formerly called Cock-Pitt-Plains) and Encamped on the Banks of "Macquarie River" (so named now) which flows out of Grimes's Lagoon and runs by many windings all the way to Port Dalrymple. ---Here we arrived at 7 p.m. and halted for the Night; disce. 21 miles from Macquarie Springs. Friday 6th. Decr. 1811. Here we found, just arrived about an hour before us, a Party of Gentlemen from Port Dalrymple, consisting [of ] Capt. Kenny, Lieut. Lyttleton, and Dr. Mountgarret; together with Ten fresh Draught Bullocks, and some Refreshments sent by Major Gordon for us. We Breakfasted -- and rested here during the Heat of the Day. At 1/2 past 3 p.m. Pursued our Journey from Elizabeth River, which we forded close to where we Encamped, and travelled for 7 miles across "Macquarie Plains" (-- now so named & commencing from Elizabeth River, and which is 40 miles from the settlement at Port Dalrymple); these Plains are very extensive and beautifully interspersed with Trees and small Eminences and skirted by fine ranges of Hills, well calculated for grazing of Horned Cattle & Sheep, the Plains also being in most Places a good Soil for Tillage & Pasturage. ---Six miles from Elizabeth River, leave on our left a large Lagoon of fresh Water, near which are some rising Grounds. At 6 p.m. Halted at the northern Extremity of Macquarie Plains, at the edge of Epping Forest (now so named by me) disce. 17 miles from Macquarie River. ---The Party from Port Dalrymple having joined our own, dined with us on this Ground.--- Saturday 7th. Decr. 1811. The Port Dalrymple Party Breakfasted with us here; and the Men & Cattle being sufficiently refreshed, Capt. A. with the first part of the Baggage set out from Henrietta Plains at 1/4 past 1 p.m.--- At 3 p.m. we followed and pursued our Journey for three miles through Henrietta Plains to their northern termination in an open wood; travelled for 2 1/2 miles through this wood (which is generally good Soil with tolerable Pasturage) to the Ford on the South Esk, where this River was pretty deep; and up to the axle-Trees of our Carts; thence travelled for 2 1/2 miles through "Gordon Plains" ( -- now so named by me -- being formerly called the Long Plain) to Honey-Suckle-Bank, which terminates a fine Reach of the South Esk River, and on which Bank we halted and Encamped for the Night; disce. from Macquarie Plains 20 miles. Sunday 8th. Decr. 1811. We found our Tent Pitched on a fine Bank at the foot of the Sugar Loaf Hill, where we arrived at 9 o'clock, and Breakfasted immediately afterwards. At 12 o'clock, Major Gordon joined us at the Sugar Loaf. ---We all then proceeded to the Government Stock-Yard, where I inspected the Government Cattle, consisting of 613 Head of Horned Cattle, and 624 Sheep; finding the former in most excellent condition, but the latter not in such good order. ---From the Stock-Yard we proceed to the Top of the Sugar Loaf on Horseback, from whence we had a very fine view of the Valley below and the adjoining Hills & distant mountains. ---Descending the Sugar Loaf Hill we pursued our Journey for 2 1/2 miles through Camden Valley to the Corri-Linn Cascade (so named now by me in honor of the Patriot Chief of Scotland, Wm. Wallace) about 1/2 a mile east of Paterson's Island, on the North Esk River. ---We enjoyed this wild romantic view very much, which we had gone a little out of our way to see, but were amply compensated for our trouble. ---From the Corri-Linn, we pursued our Journey through Lt. Rose's Farm, and along the other Farms in Paterson's Vale for about two miles; thence along fine verdant Hills and open wooded Country for 4 1/2 miles to the Town or rather Village of Launceston, situated at the Confluence of the North & South Esk Rivers, which together form here the Great River Tamer,[sic] or Port Dalrymple. ---On reaching Launceston, I was received with Military Honors by the Commandant, Major Gordon (who had left us about an hour before and gone on to Town for this purpose); the Troops being drawn out and forming a Lane at the Government House, and the New Colours on a new Flag Staff erected on the Summit of the Hill immediately above Government House, having been hoisted at the very moment I appeared coming round the Hill in sight of the Town, a Salute of 19 Guns Commencing from the Artillery at the same instant, with 3 Vollies from the Troops, drawn up in front of Government House, on Mrs. Macquarie and myself entering it; whilst the Government small Cutter was Saluting on the River North Esk, running immediately in front of the House and at the bottom of the Garden. ---The Major's highly officer-like Conduct in this Ceremonial is highly creditable to him. ---The grand view, and noble Picturesque Landscape, that presented themselves on our first coming in sight of Launceston and the three Rivers, and fertile Plains and Lofty Mountains by which they are bounded, were highly gratifying and truly sublime; and equal in point of beauty to anything I have ever seen in any Country. ---We arrived at Launceston at 5 p.m. and found neat, clean, excellent accommodation ready prepared for us by Major Gordon at the Government [House]; where he gave us a most sumptuous good Dinner at 6 o'clock; the principal Civil & Military officers dining with us. ---In the Evening the Houses in Town were illuminated, and several Bone-Fires by the Inhabitants and the Soldiers were made in honor of our arrival --; the People frequently cheering and huzzaing during the Evening. This day's Journey from HoneySuckle-Bank to Launceston was only 15 miles! Monday 9th. Decr. 1811. The Lady Nelson has not yet made her appearance, which must be owing to her having met with contrary winds.--- Tuesday 10th. Decr. 1811. I issued some Genl. Orders respecting the Inspection of the Troops, and directed Half a Pint of Spirits to be issued to each Soldier to drink the King's Health. The Officers Civil & Military dined with us today. Wednesday 11th. Decr. I named a pretty little Island in the North Esk, in Paterson's Vale, "Charles Island" in honor of my Brother. We returned home to Breakfast at 1/2 past 10 a.m. Wednesday. After our return from viewing the Bason, we embarked on board Major Gordon's Cutter on the South Esk, and proceeded up that River for about a mile to view the Cataract or Fall; with which, and the high rocky Cliffs which confine the River here, we were very much pleased and delighted. ---We did not get home to Dinner till near 8 o'clock at Night. Thursday 12th. Decr. 1811. This fine rich Tract of Country extends for 5 or six miles along the Bank of the River South Esk; the Eastern extremity of them commencing about half a mile below where the Macquarie River (formerly known by the name of the Lake-River) falls into the South Esk, and extending for about two miles to the foot of the Hills in the Center part of them; the Hills themselves having excellent Pasturage, and the River flowing along these fine Plains, render them highly advantageous for small Settlers, as the distance from Launceston -- by which a good Cart Road might be made -- does not exceed nine miles. The Plains facing them, on the Left Bank of the South Esk, appear equally good and fit Tillage and Grazing.--- Having sufficiently explored this Part of the Country, we returned home by a different route to that we went, and arrived at Launceston at 1/2 past 12 o'clock, after a long but pleasant Ride of at least Thirty Miles!--- Thursday Continued Dr. & Mrs. Mountgarrat and Mr. & Mrs. Mills dined with us this day, and also the officers of the Detachment.--- Friday 13th. Decr. 1811. Saturday 14th. Decr. 1811. The Lady Nelson had unfortunately come up as far as Launceston on Thursday night, the orders I sent to her Commander to remain at his first anchoring Place down the River having reached him too late on that day. At 3 p.m. sent on board the Lady Nelson our Servants and all our Baggage, and took an early Dinner with Major Gordon previous to our Embarkation. ---At 9 p.m. we embarked on board the Lady Nelson lying at anchor in the River Tamer[sic] about a mile off from the Town. ---Major Gordon and all the officers Civil & Military attended us to the Place of Embarkation, where we took leave of them; the Major and a few other friends having engaged to follow us tomorrow down the River to Dinner. ---We got on board the Lady Nelson at half past 9 p.m; -- and went early to Bed.--- Sunday 15th. Decr. 1811. At 20 minutes past 1 p.m. The Tide having made we got off at high water, and were towed down about two miles; but the wind being too strong against us, we were obliged to come to anchor again at 10 minutes past 2 p.m. ---At 5 p.m. weighed again and dropped down about a mile, but were then again obliged to come to anchor.--- Our Port Dalrymple Friends came off to dine with us, and left us again late in the Evening to go to sleep on shore. ---At 7 p.m. I received an Express from the Derwent with Letters for me from thence and from Sydney -- the latter having been brought by the new Colonial Ship Governor Macquarie commanded by Capt. Bunker: -- No news! all Friends at Sydney in good health and as we left them. ---We were obliged to remain at anchor all Night. Monday 16th. Decr. 1811. Our shore Friends came on board to Breakfast with, and at noon left us to proceed down the River in their own Boat to reconnoitre the Peninsula I intend to remove the Settlement to from Launceston. ---I sent Mr. Meehan the Actg. Surveyor with them in order to explore and survey the Ground for the Town -- and report to me thereon. I wrote some Letters to the Derwent by the man who brought the Express from thence. At 1/2 past 4 p.m. weighed anchor and attempted to turn down the River with the Tide of Ebb --; but the wind being right ahead we make very slow progress. ---At 7 p.m. Passed Pig-Island, which is 5 miles below Launceston, and at 8 p.m. we anchored about a mile below Pig-Island, the Tide of Ebb being then spent. Tuesday 17th. Decr. 1811. Having remained with our Port Dalrymple Friends till half past 7 p.m. we took leave of them to return to the Lady Nelson, promising to meet them at Breakfast next morning at York-Town, about 12 miles farther down the River, situated in Western-Arm. ---We met the Lady Nelson about a mile above One Tree Point, and got safe on board of her at 8 p.m. a few minutes before she came to anchor in a small Bay or Bend of the River formed by that Point.--- Wednesday 18th. Decr. 1811. At 1/2 past 8 a.m. we anchored near Middle Island, the Tide of Ebb being spent; distance from last anchorage being about 9 miles.--- At 9 a.m. Mrs. M. & myself, accompanied by Capt. Antill and Lieut. Maclaine, with materials for our Breakfast, set out from the Lady Nelson in the Whale Boat for York-Town, which we reached at 11 a.m.; the distance being about six miles, three of which is up Western Arm, at the head thereof York-Town is situated on the Right Bank of a very pretty little stream of Running Fresh Water; a few Houses remain still standing in this miserable barren spot but no Inhabitants but the Guard, and the Gardner [sic] left to take care of the Government Garden. ---It appears extraordinary that any man of common Judgment or understanding should have formed the Chief Settlement here, as there is nothing to recommend it for such a purpose excepting this little Stream of Fresh Water; it being impossible for large Vessels to enter Western Arm at any time of Tide, and even small Boats not being able to come up to the Town at Low Water.--- On our arrival at York-Town our Port Dalrymple Friends met us at the Landing Place at a Point a mile from the Town, from whence we walked to the Government House; where we Breakfasted and afterwards walked in the Garden, which is very tastefully laid out on the Bank of the Rivulet. ---Having sufficiently surveyed this deserted dessolate [sic] Village, we took our departure from it at 1/2 past 1 p.m. attended by the Port Dalrymple Gentlemen in their own Boat, and bent our course for Outer Cove; where we arrived and landed on a very pretty Bank on the West Side, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and had our Tent immediately Pitched on a fine level spot, open to the Cove and near the River that falls into the Head of it; distance from York Town being about Five miles.--- This being the Ground intended for removing the Chief Settlement of Port Dalrymple to, in case it should appear on examination to be an eligible situation for it; I proceeded immediately on landing to explore it, attended by Mr. Meehan the Surveyor, Major Gordon, Doctor Mountgarrat, &c. &c. We first examined the River as far as the Tide flows up it, which it does for about 300 yards, where the water becomes fresh, issuing from a variety of Springs along both Banks of the Rivulet. ---We discovered and tasted two Copious Springs on the Right Bank of it, containing most excellent water and in considerable abundance; and on the Left Bank also there appeared many small Springs which only require opening and clearing to afford a good supply of fresh water. ---From the River we explored the Grounds to the Northward & Westward for about a mile in each direction, and found the Soil very good for both Pasture and Garden Ground and likewise fit for Building on, being perfectly dry and firm in all parts. ---There is also from the appearance of the Ground, and the great number of Tea Trees growing on it, every reason to believe that plenty of Water is to be procured here for the use of Man and Beast by sinking Wells a sufficient depth. ---On a review of all these circumstances, the contiguity of OuterCove to the Sea, and the safety of its Harbour for Shipping, I have come to the resolution of removing the Chief Settlement of Port Dalrymple hither as soon as such an important measure can conveniently be carried into effect.--- In pursuance of this Plan, I have resolved to erect a new Town here according to a well digested regular Plan, and to name it "George-Town" in honor of our beloved Sovereign; and to name this Cove (which has hitherto been called Outer Cove) York-Cove -- and the Rivulet York-River -- in honor of His Royal Highness The Duke of York. ---The Town to extend to both sides of the Cove, but the larger Portion of it to be on the west side of the River, on account of the Ground there being so much superior to that on the East Side. ---I gave orders to the Surveyor to make a Compleat Survey of the Ground for a mile on each side of York-Cove, explore it minutely, and endeavour to discover whether there be any freshwater Lagoons or more Springs within that distance; reporting to me early tomorrow the result of his researches. ---At 6 p.m. we returned from our excursion -- and in half an hour afterwards the Lady Nelson arrived and anchored in York-Cove. ---At 7 p.m. Our Dinner having been Cooked on board, and brought on shore, we dined very comfortably in our Tent, and drank prosperity to George Town, shortly intended to be erected here. ---The Evening being very fine Mrs. Macquarie and myself Slept on Shore in our Tent, which was Pitched on the future scite [sic] of the new intended Town, and probably on that part of it in which the principal Square will be erected and formed.--- Thursday 19th. Decr. 1811. After we had Breakfasted I had two Boards, with George Town painted on them, nailed up to conspicuous Trees on the West and East side of the Cove, to mark out the intended Scite [sic] of the new Town; that on the West Side being nailed on a Tree close to our Tent. ---I also marked out the proper place for a Government Wharf and Public Stores & Granary to be built on the west side of the Cove; and near the Point on the same side, I had a Tree marked where the Government House is to be built, with a suitable Piece of Ground to be annexed thereto as a Domain. ---Whilst I was thus employed Mrs. M. and Lieut. Lyttleton were taking drawings of York-Cove, Green Island at the entrance of it, the River, and fine surrounding Scenery. ---All our Labours being now over, we assembled at 3 p.m. on the Beach, where we drank success to George Town and the Harbour of York-Cove previous to our taking leave of our Friends from Launceston. ---They accompanied [us] on board immediately afterwards, and there we took finally leave of them and our young relation Lieut. Duncan Campbell, who now returns to the Derwent. At 6 p.m. weigh anchor and set sail with the Tide of Ebb and Boats towing us, from York-Cove; and at 1/2 past 7 p.m. anchored at Lagoon Beach, near Low-Head, two miles below York-Cove, and close in shore in good anchorage.--- Friday 20th. Decr. 1811. Saturday 21st. Decr. 1811. Sunday 22d. Decr.--- Monday 23d. Decr.--- Tuesday 24th. Decr. Wednesday 25th. Decr. 1811!!! Thursday 26th. Decr.--- Friday 27th. Decr.--- Saturday 28th. Decr. 1811 !!! At 8 a.m. the wind blew very fresh against us at North East, with a heavy sea running and a strong Current setting us to the Southward. ---At Noon we were driven to the Southward within a few miles of Cape Howe. At 1/4 past 4 p.m. the Wind shifted round very suddenly to the South West, blowing a strong Gale, with a heavy Sea, which enabled us once more to steer our Course, and to sail at the rate of 7 Knots an hour. ---At 6 p.m. we were abreast of Twofold Bay.--- Sunday 29th. Decr.--- Monday 30th. Decr.--- Intending always to visit Port Stephens, and the Settlement of Newcastle in Hunter's River, previous to my return to Sydney, this coming within the scope of my present Tour of Inspection; I gave orders to Mr. Overand the CoMr. of the Lady Nelson to steer direct for Port Stephens, which is about Eighty miles to the northward of Port Jackson, in order to afford me an opportunity of examining that Harbour -- which is reported to me to be not only very capacious but also a very safe and commodious one for shipping easy of acces [sic] in all winds, and well supplied with fresh water.--- At 7 p.m. we were in sight and within ten miles of the Point to the Northward of Hunter's River and on which is the Settlement of Newcastle. ---The wind still continues fair and blowing a fresh Breeze at South West but a strong Current against us. Tuesday 31st. Decr. 1811. At 6 a.m. made sail towards the Land, then about 5 miles distant from us, the morning being rainy & hazy. At 1/4 past 7 a.m. we passed through the Entrance into Port Stephens formed by the North & South Heads, two remarkable high Peaked Hills, resembling two Islands at a distance --; the breadth between those Heads being about a mile and a half -- having a Bar across the Channel the whole way -- but perfectly safe for Ships of the largest Burthen -- having no less than 4 1/2 Fathoms Water in the shoalest part of it even at low water. ---At Half past 7 a.m. we anchored in Port Stephens -- in the first Bason -- in 5 1/2 Fathom water, very fine anchorage and protected from all winds. At 8 a.m. we saw some Natives on shore on the South side of the Bay, and four of them came off in their Canoes (there being two in each) soon afterwards to the vessel, came on board, eat some Biscuit, and seemed void of any fear or apprehension of us. ---They were stout, tall and well made People.--- At 10 a.m. Mrs. M. and myself, accompanied by the Gentlemen of our Family & Mr. Overand, made an Excursion to the North side of the Bay, landed and walked across a narrow Neck of Land, not more than 200 yards broad, to a large capacious Bay running East & West (Parallel with Port Stephens) with a fine Island at the mouth of it, which serves to shelter Vessels that might anchor in this Bay from all winds. I have named this fine capacious Bay, Clarence Bay, in honor of His R.H. the Duke of Clarence -- and the Island at the Entrance of it I have named Elizabeth Island after Mrs. M. ---I have also named the Bay formed by the South Head of Port Stephens and Point Stephens, on the South side of the Entrance of the former, York-Bay in honor of H.R.H. the Duke of York; and the Island at the Entrance of Port Stephens I have named Inch Kenneth, from its resemblance to the Island of Inch Kenneth in Argyleshire.--- After walking for about an hour on shore we returned on board again; but just as we had set out in our Boat from the Beach, a single Native came running after us, holding up a Fish in his hand, which he seemed disposed to give us. ---We put back to the shore to speak to him; he approached towards the Boat with great caution, and apparently under fear of being molested. ---He however ventured near enough to the Boat to hand his Fish to Mrs. M., who gave him a piece of Tobacco in return, with which he seemed much pleased -- but would by no means either come into the Boat or shake hands with any of us. ---After the Boat had put off from the Beach he strutted and walked about on it in a very conceited fantastical manner -- dancing and capering and making a number of signs which we did not understand. The Outer or first Bason of Port Stephens, in which we are now lying at anchor, is about three miles in breadth from the North to the South side of the Bay, and about ten miles in depth, from the Entrance to an Island due west from it, which Island is centrically situated between two Points; the three forming the boundary line between the Outer and inner Basons of Port Stephens. ---This Island I have named Meredith Island in honor of Mrs. M's esteemed friend Miss Meredith. The Land, as far as we can see, round this Outer Bason, is well wooded, being a succession of moderately high Hills, but a poor barren soil. ---The Harbour however is good, safe, and capacious, and affords shelter for vessels from all winds. ---There is also plenty of good fresh water to be procured on shore in Lagoons and springs contiguous to the Beach on the South Side of the Bay, and very near our present anchorage off the Nelson's Head.--- On the turn of the Tide of Flood, we weighed anchor and stood up the Harbour, at 1/4 before 7 p.m., and at 9 p.m. we anchored again within a quarter of a mile of Meredith Island, which is nine miles from our last anchorage at the Nelson's Head. The Lady Nelson is the first vessel that ever came up this far! Journal entries continued in Copyright © 1998-2009 Macquarie University. All rights reserved. |